Failed to reset the virtual machine '%1' which required %3 MB of memory because only %4 MB was available in the system (Virtual machine ID %2).
Failed to remove the specified virtual IP address '{0}' because it was the only virtual IP address on the cluster '{1}'. ...
Failed to remove the storage area association for volume %s. This error can happen when you disable shadow copies while a ...
Failed to remove virtual IP address '{0}' from node '{1}' on cluster '{2}'. Please enable debug output to see more details ...
Failed to reset the information for BDC %1 following an attempted rename operation. The machine is in an inconsistent state. ...
Failed to reset the virtual machine '%1' which required %3 MB of memory because only %4 MB was available in the system (Virtual ...
Failed to resolve path for folder "%1". Folder configuration is invalid or folder is configured to follow parent and the ...
Failed to restore the virtual machine '%1' from its saved state as part of a backup operation: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ...
Failed to retrieve a new image from the device. Its storage area may be full. Please make sure it is turned on and connected ...
Failed to retrieve information on %u of the detected WDS servers. The error encountered for each server is displayed above. ...