Settings that control the general environment behavior such as the windowing model, the number of most recently used files to display, and the startup behavior of the environment.
Settings for the C/C++ editor found under the Advanced, Formatting, and IntelliSense nodes in the Tools/Options dialog box. ...
Settings related to the directories used by Visual C++ projects in the build environment. This includes the PATH, INCLUDE, ...
Settings related to Visual C++ projects such as build timing, build logging, custom build rule search behavior, and how files ...
Settings that can be configured via the Options dialog box, which can be found under the Tools menu. Expand this category ...
Settings that control the general environment behavior such as the windowing model, the number of most recently used files ...
Settings that specify how files with different extensions are opened by default editors. The settings can be configured in ...
Settings with warning icons might contain values that could compromise your computer. By default, these settings are not ...
Settings with warning icons might expose intellectual property or other sensitive information. By default, these settings ...
setup also installs the following components. - Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Beta 2 - Microsoft "Avalon" Beta 1 - Microsoft ...