Find and select specific text, formatting, or type of information within the document. You can also replace the information with new text or formatting.
Filters cannot be stored in the list. The filter cannot be saved. Additional details have been logged for your administrator. ...
Filters must be stored in a list. The filter cannot be saved. Additional details have been logged for your administrator. ...
Find a body of text which is not preceded by text in a heading style. 2) Add a line of text between sections and use the ...
Find a body of text which is not preceded by text in a heading style. 2) Add a line of text between sections and use the ...
Find and select specific text, formatting, or type of information within the document. You can also replace the information ...
Find out the number of words, characters, paragraphs, and lines in the document. You can also find the word count in the ...
Finds one text string contained within another text string, and returns the starting position of the text string you are ...
Finds the next record that meets the criteria specified with the most recent FindRecord action or Find dialog box. Use this ...
find_text,replace_text,look_at,look_by,active_cell,match_case,match_byte,match_ctlchars,match_diac,match_kash,match_alefhamza ...