You are attempting to recover a backup of a Hyper-V virtual machine. If another version of this virtual machine already exists, it will first be deleted before proceeding with the recovery.
You are about to switch to a system management console. This Incoming Connections property sheet will be closed and any changes ...
You are already syncing with the maximum number of devices allowed (16). To sync with another device, you must first stop ...
You are already syncing with the maximum number of devices allowed (16). To sync with another device, you must first stop ...
You are attempting to install Windows while there are other users logged onto this computer. Those users may lose any unsaved ...
You are attempting to recover a backup of a Hyper-V virtual machine. If another version of this virtual machine already exists, ...
You are attempting to reduce the number of ports on this device. If the new number of ports is less than the total number ...
You are being connected to a Read-only Active Directory Domain Controller. You will not be able to perform any write operations. ...
You are being connected to the Read-only Active Directory Domain Controller %s. You will not be able to perform any write ...
You are changing the password for %username%. If you do this, %username% will lose all EFS-encrypted files, personal certificates, ...