(!idspnOneNote) cannot record video with the selected profile. Change profile settings in File > Options > Audio and Video category.
idspnOneNote) cannot pack these sections because some sections have not yet been fully synced. Try again when you're online ...
idspnOneNote) cannot read from the following file because there was a problem with the device: |0 Check the device and try ...
idspnOneNote) cannot read the notebook cache file because it is from a pre-release version. (!idspnOneNote) will delete and ...
idspnOneNote) cannot record audio. Make sure that your audio recording device is installed and configured properly, and then ...
idspnOneNote) cannot record video with the selected profile. Change profile settings in File > Options > Audio and Video ...
idspnOneNote) cannot record video. To fix this problem, make sure the video recording device is properly installed and connected ...
idspnOneNote) cannot repair the following file because you do not have permission to change it: |0 Check for backup copies ...
idspnOneNote) cannot repair the following file: |0 If backup files are available, (!idspnOneNote) has opened the latest backup ...
idspnOneNote) cannot repair the following section file: |0 Check backups for older copies of the file by clicking File > ...