A ServiceContract has more the one operation with an Action of "*". A ServiceContract can have at most one operation an Action = "*".
A Send activity must either be configured with an Endpoint, or correlated to an earlier established context using CorrelatesWith. ...
A SendReply with SendMessageContent and a SendReply with SendParametersContent are both paired with the same Receive with ...
A serialization error occurred because of a mismatch between the value of the SerializationFormat property and the type of ...
A serialization error occurred. The message cannot be sent or received. The MSMQ integration channel is able to serialize ...
A ServiceContract has more the one operation with an Action of "*". A ServiceContract can have at most one operation an Action ...
A ServiceDiscoveryBehavior is required to support the DiscoveryEndpoint '{0}'. Add a ServiceDiscoveryBehavior via code or ...
A sidebar placeholder must be specified on Wizard '{0}' when DisplaySideBar is set to true. Specify a placholder by setting ...
A single WSDL document could not be generated for this service. Multiple service contract namespaces were found ({0}). Ensure ...
A software publisher will often use one publisher certificate to sign the assemblies in all of their applications. If you ...