Modify the specified Process Matching Criteria. 1. wsrmc /Modify:Pmc /i: /Force must be a valid XML file. /Force overrides ...

Modify the specified Process Matching Criteria.   1. wsrmc /Modify:Pmc /i: /Force        must be a valid XML file.       /Force overrides time-stamp checking.   2. wsrmc /Modify:Pmc  /From [/Path:] [/User:] /To             [/Path:] [/User:]   3. wsrmc /Modify:Pmc  /INS /Rule /Path: /User:   4. wsrmc /Modify:Pmc  /DEL /Rule /Path: /User:        Multiple match criteria may be inserted or deleted.  Note that at least        one of /Path or /User must be specified.        /Rule   Use with /Path and /User.       /Path   Full path of the directory or executables to match.       /User   User or Group Name to match.               To exclude a  from matching, use an exclamation                point (!) before the < user name | command-line path>
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