One or more phone numbers failed to normalize. %1 total numbers failed to normalize. They are listed in the text file: '%2' ...

One or more phone numbers failed to normalize.

%1 total numbers failed to normalize.  They are listed in the text file: '%2'
Cause: One or more phone number attributes in Active Directory contained text that could not be normalized.  Normalization rules are contained in the optional Company_Phone_Number_Normalization_Rules.txt file located in the output location or in the generic rules built into Address Book Server.  Refer to the documentation for a description of the built-in generic normalization rules.  Use the ABServer -dumpRules command to see all the rules that Address Book Server is currently configured with.
Either create a Company_Phone_Number_Normalization_Rules.txt file in the output location and make sure it covers all cases found in your Active Directory deployment or fix the invalid phone number(s) in the Active Directory record(s).