The user record already exists in Store. Possible reason - current session has MbxReadMode flag set to NoMbxRead. You need to read existing user from Store first before you can modify it.
The user ID "{0}" was found but could't be resolved to a SID, domain\account, or canonical format. The user ID '{0}' will ...
The user ID and federated identity don't match. If this account was created recently, the user has to sign in to update the ...
The user name and password for this account are correct, but a connection can't be created to the account because it doesn't ...
The user name and password for this account are correct, but a connection to the account can't be created because the account ...
The user record already exists in Store. Possible reason - current session has MbxReadMode flag set to NoMbxRead. You need ...
The user version for routing group '{3}' appears to be changing very rapidly on server {2} ({9} version change(s) detected ...
The user version for routing group '{3}' has been changed on server {2} while the tool was running. Latest user version number: ...
The user version for routing group '{3}' may be changing rapidly on server {2} ({9} version change(s) detected over {8} seconds). ...
The user with extension '{0}' and dial plan '{1}' isn't UM-enabled, or is enabled for UM on a mailbox that isn't supported ...