A change from origin with lot ID %1 to origin with lot ID %2 is not allowed because inventory transactions with the issue status %3 and receipt status %4 exist.
A calendar already exists with the same name as the item being added. Each GL calendar must have a unique name. Name: {0} ...
A call to the Active Directory Service Interface failed. The following error was returned: %1 Contact your system administrator. ...
A cash disbursement slip that has the specified number is not available. Enter the correct cash disbursement slip number. ...
A cash generating unit cannot be updated except for fields undiscounted cash flow and recoverable value under an active CGU ...
A change from origin with lot ID %1 to origin with lot ID %2 is not allowed because inventory transactions with the issue ...
A change from origin with lot ID %1 to origin with lot ID %2 is not allowed because the from or the to origin is a transfer. ...
A change from origin with lot ID %1 to origin with lot ID %2 is not allowed because the values in field %3 are not identical. ...
A change from origin with lot ID %1 to origin with lot ID %2 is not allowed because transactions with the inventory reference ...
A change to the printer, paper size or paper orientation has affected the size of the printable area. This could affect the ...