VS1041: The integration tool could not initialize the solution scope because of the scope context is not valid. The CreateProject member, the CreateProjectItem member and the ProjectItem member of VSScopeContext are all null. Provide a non-null value for one, and only one, of these members.
VS1011: Cannot find the prototype file for this toolbox item: {0}. To fix this condition, drag the toolbox item to the diagram, ...
VS1032: The reference string provided does not have the correct format. The correct format is backplane://backplaneId/se ...
VS1035: The ServiceManager is not correctly registered with a backplane. Confirm the ServiceManager is registered with a ...
VS1040: Visual Studio cannot find the ProjectItems collection in the solution. If the problem persists, contact the author ...
VS1041: The integration tool could not initialize the solution scope because of the scope context is not valid. The CreateProject ...
VS1042: The integration tool could not initialize the solution scope because more than one of the three members (CreateProject, ...
VS1043: Visual Studio cannot add an instance of the following .vstemplate file: {0}. Confirm that the file is a valid .vstemplate. ...
VS1044: The integration tool cannot convert the scope object to the specified type: {0}. Provide a scope object of the specified ...
VS1047: The full path of the .vstemplate file is null or empty. An instance of the following service type should provide ...