Sometimes events don't make it from the client to the event hub as quickly as they should. If you still want to include these events, choose the maximum time delay you're willing to accept. The delay represents the difference between the event's timestamp and the system clock.
Query testing is not yet supported in the Azure Preview portal. Please navigate to the Azure Management portal to use this ...
Queues are messaging entities, similar to Event hubs and topics. They're designed to collect event streams from a number ...
Sampling data is not yet supported in the Azure Preview portal. Please navigate to the Azure Management portal to use this ...
Second parameter of function '{0}' is invalid. Please use valid column name identifiers - use '.' and '[', ']' to delimit ...
Sometimes events don't make it from the client to the event hub as quickly as they should. If you still want to include these ...
Source '{0}' can only be used in temporal predicate using 'datediff' function. Example: SELECT input1.a, input2.b FROM input1 ...
Streaming Analytics job '{0}' is only able to use up to {1} Streaming Units based on the provided query. Please adjust the ...
Streaming Job Start POST request failed due to unknown OutputStartMode to the API version specified in the client request. ...
Streaming units are used as a pool of computation resources available to process the query. To learn more, click the "?" ...