The baseline work resource fields (Baseline1 Work through Baseline10 Work) store the total planned person-hours scheduled for a resource. The Baseline1 Work assignment field stores planned work for resources saved with Baseline 1. Likewise, the Baseline2 Work through Baseline10 Work fields store planned resource work for Baselines 2 through 10.
The baseline start resource fields (Baseline1 Start through Baseline10 Start) make available corresponding baseline beginning ...
The baseline start task fields (Baseline1 Start through Baseline10 Start) store the planned beginning date for a task at ...
The Baseline Work field shows the originally planned amount of work to be performed by all resources assigned to a task. ...
The Baseline Work field shows the originally planned amount of work to be performed for all assignments assigned to a resource. ...
The baseline work resource fields (Baseline1 Work through Baseline10 Work) store the total planned person-hours scheduled ...
The baseline work task fields (Baseline1 Work through Baseline10 Work) store the total planned person-hours scheduled for ...
The BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) field contains the cumulative value of the task's timephased percent complete ...
The BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) field contains the rolled-up summary of a resource's BCWP values for all assigned ...
The BCWS (budgeted cost of work scheduled) field contains the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date ...