Protocol specific filtering information: TCP => Server port is required. Client port is optional, except if is FIN or RST. ...

Protocol specific filtering information:    TCP   => Server port is required. Client port is optional, except if  is     FIN or RST. If no client port is specified, the query will be for a new    connection (SYN is implied) and the applicable port rule must be con-    figured in either "Single" or "Class C" affinity.  PPTP  => Server port need not be specified (PPTP utilizes TCP port 1723); if     specified, the server port will be ignored. Because PPTP is a TCP con-    nection, the same rules for specifying the client port apply except     that PPTP always requires that the applicable port rule be configured     in either "Single" or "Class C" affinity, regardless of whether or not    the client port is specified.  GRE   => Neither the server nor client port need to be specified; if specified,    the server and client ports will be ignored. The applicable port rule     must be configured in either "Single" or "Class C" affinity.  UDP   => Server port is required. Client port is optional and if not specified,    the applicable port rule must be configured in "Single" or "Class C"     affinity.  IPSec => Server and client ports are optional (IPSec utilizes UDP ports 500/    4500). For IPSec/NAT support, the client port may float if and only if    the specified server port is 4500, in which case the client port is     required. The applicable port rule must be configured in either     "Single" or "Class C" affinity.  ICMP  => Neither the server nor client port may be specified; if specified, the    server and client ports will be ignored. Note that, by default, NLB     does not filter ICMP traffic.
English (United States)