- BizTalk Server 2006 R2
- BizTalk Server 2010
- Office Communicator 2007
- Office Communicator 2007 R2
- System Center Configuration Manager 2007
- System Center Configuration Manager 2012
- System Center Configuration Manager 2012 R2
- System Center Essentials 2007
- System Center Operations Manager 2007
- System Center Operations Manager 2012
- System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2
Database: [2]. MergeDatabase: Unable to write errors to Error table. Could be due to a non-nullable column in a predefined Error table.
Database and server information should not be specified as a connection string option. To specify this information, use the ...
Database name is invalid. Database name must not exceed 100 characters and can not contain any of the following characthers ...
Database on server %2 is being upgraded from a different machine. Please execute setup after the database upgrade has finished. ...
Database Upgrade Setup will upgrade the following databases. Please backup these databases before you click Upgrade on the ...
Database: 2]. MergeDatabase: Unable to write errors to Error table. Could be due to a non-nullable column in a predefined ...
Debugging user validation against group "{0}" failed with error: {1} This could happen if the Debugging Client is not a BizTalk ...
Decoder could not find the decryption certificate in the "Current User\Personal" certificate store. Unable to decrypt the ...
Decoder could not find the required signer certificate in the "Local Machine\Other People" certificate store. Unable to verify ...
Default host name is not found. Please select to Create BizTalk In-Process Host on the runtime page before proceeding again. ...