Both master and detail controls must be bound to groups that are part of the same repeating group in the data source. Alternatively, neither control can be bound to a group that is part of a repeating group. You can do one of the following:To change the binding for either control, right-click the control, and then select Change Binding.In the Fields task pane, move the groups to which the master and details controls are bound into the same repeating group. Alternatively, move both groups out of a repeating group.
Binding a non-repeating control to a repeating field or group is not supported in %1.To fix this problem, bind the control ...
Binding a non-repeating control to a repeating field or group is not supported in %1.To fix this problem, clear the "Allow ...
Binding a non-repeating control to a repeating field or group is not supported in %1.To fix this problem, remove the control ...
Binding a repeating table to a repeating field or group is not supported in %1.To fix this problem, clear the "Allow users ...
Both master and detail controls must be bound to groups that are part of the same repeating group in the data source. Alternatively, ...
Browse for a new picture or select an existing resource file. Users will click your picture to execute the specified button ...
Browser-enabling of form templates is not allowed for current user. Contact your server administrator for help with this ...
Browser-enabling of user form templates has been disabled on this server. Existing user form templates will still render ...
Business logic generated an out of memory exception. This fault was escalated to process recycle to prevent corruption of ...