Description: Used to display all auto-add devices on the WDS Server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Get-AutoAddDevices /Server: ...

Description: Used to display all auto-add devices on the WDS Server.  Syntax: WDSUTIL [Options] /Get-AutoAddDevices                   [/Server:]                   /DeviceType:{PendingDevices | RejectedDevices |                                ApprovedDevices}  [/Server:]         The name of the WDS Server. This can be either                                 the NetBIOS name or the FQDN. If not                                 specified, the local server will be used. /DeviceType:{PendingDevices |   Specifies the type of devices to get from              RejectedDevices |  the auto-add device database (binlsvcdb.mdb).              ApprovedDevices}   PendingDevices returns all devices in the                                 database with a status of ‘pending'.                                 RejectedDevices returns all devices in the                                 database with a status of ‘rejected'.                                 ApprovedDevices returns all devices with                                 a status of ‘approved'.   EXAMPLES: --------- WDSUTIL /Get-AutoAddDevices /DeviceType:ApprovedDevices  WDSUTIL /Verbose /Get-AutoAddDevices /DeviceType:RejectedDevices                      /Server:MyWDSServer