Could not connect to the following SQL Server: '{0}'. Verify that the server is up and running and that you have SQL Server administrative credentials.
Could not communicate with the OneNote working folder. Check the location and permissions for your OneNote working folder. ...
Could not connect to Microsoft OneNote because an incompatible interoperability assembly was found. To integrate with OneNote, ...
Could not connect to partner source or customer source. Please try again later. To research this issue, see Find Support ...
Could not connect to PartnerSource or CustomerSource. Please try again later. If you still can't connect, see Find Support ...
Could not connect to the following SQL Server: '{0}'. Verify that the server is up and running and that you have SQL Server ...
Could not connect to the SQL database. ([2 3 4 5]). This can be caused by insufficient permissions. Indirect permissions ...
Could not create a user session. Try to start the client again. If the problem continues, contact the Microsoft Dynamics ...
Could not create key: 2]. { System error 3].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support ...
Could not delete key 2]. { System error 3].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support ...