Timeout value of the test (hours:minutes:seconds) , which represents the maximum amount of time the test can take, after which the test will fail.
Timed out waiting for Hyper-V Data Exchange Service to start. Start Hyper-V Data Exchange Service first and then try starting ...
Timed out while initializing data and diagnostics adapters. If the Windows Firewall does not have Microsoft Test Manager ...
Timeout occurred while running the SharePoint Sandboxed Code service. This service is required to run sandboxed solutions ...
Timeout occurred while running the SharePoint Sandboxed Code service. This service is required to run sandboxed solutions ...
Timeout value of the test (hours:minutes:seconds) , which represents the maximum amount of time the test can take, after ...
Title cannot be positioned since the following chart area is missing: '{0}'. Add the chart area with specified name, or set ...
To access local IIS Web sites, you must install the following IIS components: %1 In addition, you must run Visual Studio ...
To access local IIS Web sites, you must run Visual Studio in the context of an administrator account. %1 For more information, ...
To access Web sites on the local IIS Web server, you must run Visual Studio under an Administrator account in order to have ...