The Intersite Messaging service request for the schedule at which the following sites are connected through the following transport failed. Site: %1 Site: %2 Transport: %3 Additional Data Error value: %5 %4
The Intersite Messaging Service failed to wait for a message. The error message is as follows: %1 Additional data Error value: ...
The Intersite Messaging Service passed an invalid schedule to the KCC. This schedule is for use between sites %1 and %2. ...
The Intersite Messaging service received the following extended error string information from LDAP. Extended error string: ...
The Intersite Messaging service request for the number of sites interconnected through the following transport failed. Transport: ...
The Intersite Messaging service request for the schedule at which the following sites are connected through the following ...
The Intersite Messaging service request for which domain controllers can communicate to and from the following site through ...
The Intersite Messaging service requested a modify operation on the following object using LDAP and the operation failed. ...
The Intersite Messaging service requested an ADSI Get Object operation for the following namespace object and the operation ...
The Intersite Messaging service requested an LDAP one-level search starting at the following container object. The operation ...