Discovery Data Manager failed to process file "%1" because it cannot detect any Name properties. Discovery Data Manager requires ...

%11Discovery Data Manager failed to process file "%1" because it cannot detect any Name properties. Discovery Data Manager requires that all discovery data records (DDRs) report at least one field that is defined as a Name candidate. The three default architectures--User, User Group, and System--all have one or more defined Name fields. Either this DDR is not of one of those three architectures, or it is an invalid DDR.%12

Possible cause: an Discovery Data Manager bug.
Solution: If you suspect a software defect, refer to your ConfigMgr Documentation or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information.

Possible cause: Something other than ConfigMgr created the DDR, and no value was specified as the Name.
Solution: Every discovery item needs to have some value that can be identified as the name of the resource. In System DDRs, for example, one of the following values is used as the Name: NetBIOS Name, Resource Names, IP Addresses, IPX Addresses, or MAC Addresses. If none of these are available, or if you have created a DDR of a new architecture, then pick a property and flag it as the Name by ORing decimal 64 in the property's Flags column.%0