Virtual domain controller cloning has done. An attempt to reboot the machine failed with error code %1. Please reboot the machine to finish the cloning operation.
Virtual domain controller cloning failed. The clone domain controller was unable to locate the primary domain controller ...
Virtual domain controller cloning failed. The cloning operation could not be completed and the cloned domain controller was ...
Virtual domain controller cloning failed. The following %1 standalone Managed Service Account(s) exist(s) on the cloned machine: ...
Virtual domain controller cloning failed. There are software or services currently enabled on the cloned virtual domain controller ...
Virtual domain controller cloning has done. An attempt to reboot the machine failed with error code %1. Please reboot the ...
Virtual domain controller cloning succeeded. The attempt to rename virtual domain controller cloning configuration file %1 ...
Virtual domain controller cloning succeeded. The virtual domain controller cloning configuration file %1 has been renamed ...
Virtual hard disk '{0}' was not moved because it is configured as a shared virtual hard disk and other virtual machines may ...
Virtual hard disk '{0}' was not moved because it is marked as shareable, and shareable VHDs cannot be moved because the other ...