/Disable-Feature /FeatureName:[/PackageName: ] Disables a specified feature. If the package name is not specified, the Windows Foundation package is assumed. Feature names are case-sensitive. Examples: DISM.exe /Image:C: est\offline /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:XPS-Viewer DISM.exe /Image:C: est\offline /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Calc /PackageName:Microsoft.Windows.Calc.Demo~6595b6144ccf1df~x86~en~
/DCAccountName:"name of DC to precreate" Specifies the name of the read-only domain controller account that you are creating. ...
/DelegatedAdmin:"name of user or group" Specifies the name of user or group that will install and administer the read-only ...
/delete The delete command will remove a RepsFrom attribute on the destination domain controller for the specified naming ...
/DemoteFSMO:{Yes | } Indicates that (forced) demotion should continue even if a FSMO role is discovered on domain controller ...
/Disable-Feature /FeatureName: /PackageName: Disables a specified feature. If the package name is not specified, the Windows ...
/Disable-Feature /FeatureName: /PackageName: Disables the specified feature in the image. If the package name is not specified, ...
/Disable-Profiling Disables the run-time profiler in Windows PE image. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C: est\offline /Disable-Profiling ...
/DNSDelegationPassword:{"password" | *} Specifies the password for the user name (account credentials) to use for creating ...
/DNSDelegationUserName:"user_name" Specifies the user name (account credentials) used for creating or removing DNS delegation. ...