DESCRIPTION: Creates a new domain-based DFS namespace. %1!ws! PARAMETERS: : UNC path to the namespace. : Specifies an administrator ...

Creates a new domain-based DFS namespace.


<\\server\share>  : UNC path to the namespace.
         : Specifies an administrator comment for the namespace.
         : Version of the namespace, possible values are V1 or V2.
                    V1 - Creates a Windows 2000 Server mode namespace.  
                    V2 - Creates a Windows Server 2008 mode namespace. 

1. To add new root targets, use the "dfsutil target add" command.
2. The default version for creating a new namespace is V2.
3. Create the share on the namespace server before running this command.

dfsutil root addDom \\SRV1\DomainNameSpace1 "This is a V2 namespace"
dfsutil root addDom \\SRV2\DomainNameSpace2
dfsutil root addDom \\SRV3\DomainNameSpace3 V1 "This is V1 Root"