A synchronization export message was processed, but the identifier of that message was lost, and, consequently, the outcome of the processing could not be reported to the source
A ServiceNow user authorized to perform single sign-on configuration. To configure single sign-on, a user must have the security ...
A single-use code lets you sign in without entering your password. This helps protect your account when you're using someone ...
A SQL operation in the AD FS configuration database with connection string {0} failed. Additional Data Exception details: ...
A strong password is required. Strong passwords are 8 to 16 characters and must combine uppercase and lowercase letters, ...
A synchronization export message was processed, but the identifier of that message was lost, and, consequently, the outcome ...
A synchronization wait handle has finished waiting on behalf of thread #{0} The condition that was awaited occurred? {1} ...
A template result defined in event step '{0}' references an invalid event step, '{1}'. Either select a valid event step for ...
A URL that specifies the end point used by active clients when authenticating with domains set up for single sign-on (also ...
A URL that specifies the end point used by active clients when authenticating with domains set up for single sign-on (also ...