Cannot create a job with an ID of {0}; this is not a valid Id. Please provide an integer for the job ID that is greater than 0.
Cannot create a child pool because the pool identifier was not specified. A pool identifier must be specified for a child ...
Cannot create a child pool because this resource type does not support child pools. (Resource type %1, resource subtype '%2') ...
Cannot create a code method because of the method format. The method should be public, static, and have one parameter of ...
Cannot create a forest trust to the specified forest. The specified forest is not at the necessary forest functional level. ...
Cannot create a job with an ID of {0}; this is not a valid Id. Please provide an integer for the job ID that is greater than ...
Cannot create a shared folder on cluster. Use the Cluster Administrator snap-in to create shared folders on the failover ...
Cannot create a sync relationship with this folder at this location in the Briefcase. Check to make sure this folder isn't ...
Cannot create a system handle (mutex) to protect the TuningSpaces registry area. Either system resources are low or you are ...
Cannot create a WinRM listener on HTTPS because this machine does not have an appropriate certificate. To be used for SSL, ...