Usage: nfsadmin server computer name common_options start | stop | -l | -r client common_options are: -u user Identity of ...

Usage: nfsadmin server [computer name] [common_options] start | stop | -l | -r client
common_options are:
    -u user              Identity of the user whose credentials are to be used
    -p <* | password>    Password of the user

config_options are:
       nfsadmin server config config_options

       nfsadmin server [computer name]  [creategroup | deletegroup | 
                         listgroups | renamegroup | 
                         addmembers | deletemembers | listmembers]

    -l                   Enumerate clients holding NFS locks.
    -r client            Force release locks held by a client. Use 'all'
                         for all clients.

config_options are:

    activity = [+/-]mount [+/-]read [+/-]write [+/-]create
            [+/-]delete [+/-]locking [+/-]all
                         Specify the client activity to record.
    lockperiod = 
                         Set the grace period for the locking daemon.
    PortmapProtocol = TCP|UDP|TCP+UDP
                         Protocol for Portmapper.
    MountProtocol = TCP|UDP|TCP+UDP
                         Protocol support for MOUNT program.
    NFSProtocol = TCP|UDP|TCP+UDP
                         Protocol support for NFS program.
    NLMProtocol = TCP|UDP|TCP+UDP
                         Protocol support for NLM program.
    NSMProtocol = TCP|UDP|TCP+UDP
                         Protocol support for NSM program.
    MapsvrProtocol = TCP|UDP|TCP+UDP
                         Protocol support for MAPSVR program.
    NISProtocol = TCP|UDP|TCP+UDP
                         Protocol support for NIS program.
    enablev3 = [yes | no]
                         Enable/Disable NFS V3 support.
    renewauth = [yes | no]
                         Enable/Disable renewal of authentication.
    renewauthinterval = 
                         Specify the authentication interval (in secs).
    dircache =    Specify the directory cache size (in KB).
    translationfile = 
                         Specify the file used for character translation.
    dotfileshidden = [yes | no]
                         Create files beginning with dot as hidden files.
                         Specify the return file name case for READDIR.
    netgroupsource = [none | nis | rfc2307]
                         Specify where to check the netgroup information.
    nisserver = 
                         Used specified NIS server for netgroup query.
    nisdomain = 
                         Used specified NIS domain name.
    ldapserver = 
                         Used specified Ldap server for netgroup query.
    ldapdn = 
                         Used specified naming context (DN) for ldap query.

client group related operations:
    creategroup    Create a client group with the given name.
    deletegroup    Delete an existing client group with the given name.
    listgroups           List client groups on this server. 
                         Rename existing client group  to 
    addmembers  host[,host,...]
                         Add hosts to the given client group.
    deletemembers  host[,host,...]
                         Delete hosts of the given client group.
    listmembers    List host from the specified client group.