This file is from a pre-release version of (!idspnOneNote): |0 (!idspnOneNote) will now upgrade this file. Do you want (!idspnOneNote) to search for other pre-release files and upgrade them?
This file is either an invite or link to a OneNote shared notebook, live sharing session, task or meeting note. If you double ...
This file is encrypted and could not be uploaded to the server. Change the encryption settings by removing the password then ...
This file is from a different version of (!idspnOneNote). Your version cannot load this file. There may be a converter available ...
This file is from a later version of (!idspnOneNote). Your version cannot load this file. There may be a converter available ...
This file is from a pre-release version of (!idspnOneNote): |0 (!idspnOneNote) will now upgrade this file. Do you want (!idspnOneNote) ...
This file is from an earlier version of (!idspnOneNote). Your version cannot load this file. There may be a converter available ...
This file is infected with a virus that was cleaned on the server. Click Resolve to discard and open the latest server copy. ...
This file is missing a digital signature and cannot be opened. Contact the person who created the file and request a new ...
This file is not a valid presentation file or contains multiple slides. Only single slides can be stored in a Slide Library. ...