Formatting and text of some shapes cannot be edited in earlier versions of PowerPoint. For more information about shapes and text compatibility, click the Help button.
For your security, Entourage does not allow you to open potentially unsafe attachments. chid://7091 Learn about unsafe attachments ...
Form Displays a data form in a dialog box. You can use the data form to see, change, add, delete, and find records in a list ...
Format beginning of list item like the one before it Automatically repeats character formatting that you apply to the beginning ...
Format Painter (Standard toolbar) Copies the format from a selected object or text and applies it to the object or text you ...
Formatting and text of some shapes cannot be edited in earlier versions of PowerPoint. For more information about shapes ...
Fractional widths Improves character and word spacing of fonts in printed documents, but may make text more difficult to ...
Framed layouts require web browsers that support HTML Frames. This includes the latest versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, ...
Free Rotate Rotates a selected object to any degree. Select the object, click the Free Rotate button, and then drag a corner ...
Freeform Draws an object with both curved and straight segments. Drag to draw freehand shapes; click and move the mouse to ...