Get configuration information for event publishers. Usage: wevtutil { gp | get-publisher } PUBLISHERNAME /OPTION:VALUE /OPTION:VALUE ...

Get configuration information for event publishers.  Usage:  wevtutil { gp | get-publisher } PUBLISHERNAME [/OPTION:VALUE [/OPTION:VALUE] ...]  PUBLISHERNAME String that uniquely identifies an event publisher. You can obtain a list of publisher names by typing wevtutil ep.  Options:  You can use either the short (i.e. /f) or long (i.e. /format) version of the option names. Options and their values are case-insensitive.  /ge:VALUE (getevents) Get metadata information for events that can be raised by this publisher. VALUE is true or false.  /gm:VALUE (getmessage) Display the actual message instead of the numeric message ID. VALUE is true or false.  /f:VALUE (format) VALUE can be XML or Text. If VALUE is XML, print output in XML format. If VALUE is Text, displays output without XML tags. The default value is Text.  Example:  Display information about the Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog event publisher, including metadata about the events the publisher can raise.  wevtutil gp Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog /ge:true
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