Returns a list oftime
values of size {1}, starting at {0}. The given increment, {2}, is aduration
value that is added to every value.
Returns a list of offsets for the input list {0}. When using List.Transform to change a list, the list of positions can be ...
Returns a list of random numbers between 0 and 1, given the number of values to generate and an optional seed value. {0}: ...
Returns a list of random numbers given the number of values to generate and an optional seed value. {0}: The number of random ...
Returns a list of text values resulting from the splitting a text value {0} based on any character in the specified delimiter, ...
Returns a list of time values of size {1}, starting at {0}. The given increment, {2}, is a duration value that is added to ...
Returns a list that contains all the values in list {0} with duplicates removed. If the list is empty, the result is an empty ...
Returns a list that removes the first element of list {0}. If {0} is an empty list an empty list is returned. This function ...
Returns a list that removes the last {1} elements from the end of list {0}. If {0} has less than {1} elements, an empty list ...
Returns a list that skips the first element of list {0}. If {0} is an empty list an empty list is returned. This function ...