Error %1 occurred while attempting to enable the "Generate Security Audits" privilege. To grant the Generate Security Audits privilege to the Microsoft Exchange service account, open the Windows Group Policy editor. If the machine is not domain controller, select the Local Computer policy object. If it is a domain controller, select the browse button and select the "Domain Controllers." container. Within this container, select the "Default Domain Controllers Policy" object. Under either "Local Computer policy" or "Default Domain Controllers Policy", select the "Computer Configuration" container. Under the "Computer Configuration" container, select the "Windows Settings" container. Under the "Windows Settings" container, select the "Security Settings" container. Under the "Security Settings" container, select the "Local Policies" container. Under the "Local Policies" container, select the "User Rights Assignment" container. Under "User Rights Assignment", double click the "Generate Security Audits" object and add the Microsoft Exchange service account to the list of users granted the "Generate Security Audits" right. Click "OK", and close the editor.
Error "%1" while loading assembly "%2". Stack Trace:%3. The event is logged when Autodiscover is unable to load an assembly ...
Error "%1" while loading assembly "%2". Stack Trace:%3. The event is logged when the Autodiscover provider is unable to load ...
Error "%1" while loading assembly "%2". Stack Trace:%3. This event is logged when the loader that Autodiscover is using to ...
Error "%1" while loading the assembly "%2". Stack Trace:%3. This error may occur because the provider file is corrupt, is ...
Error %1 occurred while attempting to enable the "Generate Security Audits" privilege. To grant the Generate Security Audits ...
Error %1 occurred while converting message %2 from Internet to MAPI format. The mailbox owner is %3, and the folder is %4. ...
Error %1 occurred while converting message %2 from Internet to MAPI format. The mailbox owner is %3, and the folder is %4. ...
Error %1 occurred while logging an event related to an outgoing replication message that resulted in a non-delivery report. ...
Error %2 deleting unused grouped view from folder %1 on database "%3". Microsoft Exchange Information Store will try to delete ...