Triggers replication of passwords for the specified user(s) from the source (Hub DC) to one or more Read Only DC's. For each ...

Triggers replication of passwords for the specified user(s)      from the source (Hub DC) to one or more Read Only DC's.                    For each destination RODC the cacheability of the user(s) passwords       on that DC will be evaluated before the request succeeds. If cacheability      of a given users password is not permitted for a particular RODC the       request for that specific user / destination RODC combination will fail.       [SYNTAX]            /rodcpwdrepl [DSA_LIST]   [ ...]       [EXAMPLES]       The following command triggers replication of the passwords for the user       specified from source-dc01 to DC with the name prefix dest-rodc.        repadmin /rodcpwdrepl dest-rodc* source-dc01 cn=JaneOh,ou=execs,dc=contoso,dc=com