Disk Defragmenter cannot start because the task scheduler service is not running. Start the task scheduler service and try again.
Disk defragmentation has failed because the volume does not support defragmentation. For more information please look in ...
Disk defragmentation has failed because the volume is dirty. Please run disk error checking (chkdsk) to clean the volume. ...
Disk defragmentation has failed because there is not enough free space on the volume. To force defragmentation check "Force ...
Disk defragmentation has failed with an unknown and unexpected error. For more information please look in the system Application ...
Disk Defragmenter cannot start because the task scheduler service is not running. Start the task scheduler service and try ...
Disk Defragmenter consolidates fragmented files on your computer's hard disk to improve system performance. Tell me more ...
Disk Defragmenter is currently defragmenting your disks. If you exit now, all defragmentation operations will be stopped. ...
Disk Defragmenter is currently using customized settings created by another program. Before you can modify the schedule, ...
Disk Defragmenter is currently using customized settings created by another program. Before you can modify the schedule, ...