Dumps the configuration of a multicast scope Syntax: netsh dhcp server \Servername | Address mscope dump Parameters: Servername ...

Dumps the configuration of a multicast scope
        netsh dhcp server [\\Servername | Address] mscope  dump  
        Servername     - The name of the remote (non-local) DHCP 
        Address        - The IP address of the remote (non-local) DHCP 
        MScope id      - Multicast scope name. 

Notes:         From within Netshell, this command displays the multicast 
               scope configuration information in the command window. 
               To redirect the output to a file, run the command directly 
               from the command prompt. 
Examples:      netsh dhcp server mscope test dump  
               netsh dhcp server \\DHCP-A mscope test dump  
               netsh dhcp server mscope test dump