Do you want to enable migration mode for this site collection?
Enabling migration mode will allow the primary administrator to bypass all auditing features for this site collection.
Disabling external communications will prevent your users from communicating with anyone outside of your corporate network. ...
Display Name of the user to be updated. If not specified, Display Name will be calculated from parameters FirstName and LastName. ...
Do you have a promotion code? If you have received a promotion code, you can type it in the field below. Your promotion code ...
Do you want the users you selected to have administrator permissions to the companies that are supported by your company? ...
Do you want to enable migration mode for this site collection? Enabling migration mode will allow the primary administrator ...
Domain verification failed because the requested CNAME record was not found. If the DNS settings for this domain were updated ...
Domain verification failed. Make sure that you have created the necessary DNS entry. Note that it may take some time for ...
Domain verification failed. The requested CNAME record was not found. If you have recently updated your DNS settings for ...
Domain verification failed. The requested DNS record was not found. If you have recently updated your DNS settings for this ...