BizTalk Server 2006 R2

  1. Type the Dun and Bradstreet DUNS number for the partner. The DUNS number is a unique nine-digit identification sequence that ...
  2. Type the name of the computer where SQL Server is installed. If you select the basic configuration option, all databases ...
  3. Type the user name and password for the account that the services will run under. If you select the basic configuration option, ...
  4. Unable to access database {1} on server {0}. Please verify that the server and database names are correct, and that you have ...
  5. Unable to access or write to the specified file receive location. Please verify the configured credential has write access ...
  6. Unable to complete operation on the device or device group {0} because one or more processes has a binding to this device ...
  7. Unable to connect to database "%1" on server "%2". Make sure database exists and is a valid Human Workflow Services Administration ...
  8. Unable to connect to database {0} on server {1}. Ensure that SQL server is running and you have permission to access this ...
  9. Unable to connect to FTP server "%1" as user "%2". Please verify the address and port. Also, verify the FTP server is running. ...
  10. Unable to connect to Microsoft BizTalk RFID Service. Please ensure that the server name is valid and Microsoft BizTalk RFID ...
  11. Unable to connect to server as it does not have Microsoft BizTalk RFID server components installed. Please install the server ...
  12. Unable to connect to the BAM Primary Import Table Database to enumerate BAM Activity Definitions. Use Set Management Database ...
  13. Unable to connect to the management database. Ensure that the SQL server is running and that you have permission to access ...
  14. Unable to connect to the specified BizTalk Server management database. Ensure that the BAS Management Web service account ...
  15. Unable to copy {0} from DAV store. Please check if the DAV store is correctly configured and the file exists. Detailed error ...
  16. Unable to create binding configuration element for editing. Check the values of the BindingType and BindingConfiguration ...
  17. Unable to create endpoint behavior configuration element for editing. Check the value of the EndpointBehaviorConfiguration ...
  18. Unable to create performance counter category. Please create the performance counter category "%1" using tools such as Server ...
  19. Unable to create service behavior configuration element for editing. Check the value of the ServiceBehaviorConfiguration ...
  20. Unable to create the entry in the AS2 EDIINT MIC table. This could be caused by duplicate AS2-From, AS2-To and MessageID ...
  21. Unable to decrypt the inbound message because the private key of the decryption certificate is not available. Please re-install ...
  22. Unable to determine whether or not specified user is an administrator. This may pose a security risk. Are you sure you wish ...
  23. Unable to encrypt outbound message because the encoder could not find the encryption certificate in the "Local Machine\Other ...
  24. Unable to encrypt the outbound message because the private key of the encryption certificate is not available. Please re-install ...
  25. Unable to find the WSDL QName for type '{0}'. Using name:'{1}' and namespace:'{2}'. Please check/update references to this ...
  26. Unable to generate Luid. Provide the following parameter(s). -Name Required. Name of the rule. -Version Required. Rule version. ...
  27. Unable to generate Luid. Provide the following parameter(s). -Source Required. The 'SourceLocation' property of the resource. ...
  28. Unable to get binding type for binding extension "{0}". If machine.config was updated while your application was open, restart ...
  29. Unable to get the failing message in order to place it into the Dead Letter Queue. Queue name = %2/%3 Reason code = %1!d!.%0 ...
  30. Unable to obtain Custom Attributes for schema '{0}'. Possible cause of this is setting the docSpecNames pipeline property ...
  31. Unable to retrieve hosts for BizTalk registration from the specified SQL Server '{0}' and BizTalk Management Database '{1}'. ...
  32. Unable to retrieve the list of connection types supported by this provider. Restart the provider, and then retry adding the ...
  33. Unable to send MIME message because an encryption certificate has not been configured on the send port. The component configuration ...
  34. Unable to set the credentials for Human Workflow Services using aspnet_setreg.exe. Refer to documentations on ASP.Net and ...
  35. Unable to sign outbound message because the encoder could not find the signing certificate in the "Current User\Personal" ...
  36. Unable to update device {0} because the supplied name does not match the old name. To rename, use the RenameDevice method. ...
  37. Unable to validate %1. You must specify either a valid local group or an existing domain group for the BizTalk Base EDI Users ...
  38. Unable to validate the document and trailer specifications specified for a recoverable interchange pipeline. Exception: {0} ...
  39. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal ...
  40. Uncaught exception (see the 'inner exception' below) has suspended an instance of service '{0}({1})'. The service instance ...
  41. Unexpected error occurred while processing NS ADF. Please make sure that no View and/or ActivityView with the same ID is ...
  42. Unexpected error: information regarding the schema for the parameter '{0}' cannot be found. If you have manually modified ...
  43. Unexpected error: the parameters section of this agreement failed validation. The schema for one of the parameters cannot ...
  44. Unexpected error: the schema for the structured parameter cannot be found. If you have manually modified the Agreement document, ...
  45. Unexpected exception (see the 'inner exception' below) has occurred while executing an instance of service '{0}({1})'. InstanceId: ...
  46. Unexpected WebMessagePartType.CategoryType. (Web service "{0}" web method "{1}" web message "{2}" web message part "{3}".) ...
  47. Unique instance ID of the fact reference. The default is 0. To define rules that compare two or more attributes/elements ...
  48. Unique instance ID of the fact reference. The default is 0. To define rules that compare two or more objects of the same ...
  49. Unique instance ID of the fact reference. The default is 0. To define rules that compare two or more rows in the same table ...
  50. Unknown error occurred when attempting to delete a local file. Please check the permissions on the configured temporary folder. ...
  51. Unregisters all the event handlers in an assembly, ignoring those that are already unregistered. Specify the file name using ...
  52. Updates certain artifacts from the BAM definition XML. The file can be a text file containing the BAM definition XML or a ...
  53. Updates the configuration from a file containing BAM configuration XML. It is OK to add server/database names that do not ...
  54. Upgrade Required Setup has detected that %1 is installed on this computer. Setup will upgrade %1 to %2. Prior to the upgrade, ...
  55. Upgrade Required Setup has detected that the %1 is installed on this computer. Setup will upgrade %1 to %2. Before proceeding ...
  56. Upgrade Setup will upgrade %1 to %2 when you click Upgrade. Please make sure you have backed up all BizTalk databases before ...
  57. Upgrade Setup will upgrade %1 when you click Upgrade. Click Cancel if you do not want to proceed with this upgrade (Setup ...
  58. Usage Syntax: StatusReportsMonitor.exe -F: -DMI: -OI: -AI: The last three parameters are optional and assume default values ...
  59. Usage Syntax: StatusReportsMonitor.exe -F: -DMI: -OI: The last two parameters are optional and assume default values when ...
  60. Usage: mqsconfigwiz /u /i config.xml /l logfile /? /u - remove application /i - : silent configuration from a xml file /l ...
  61. Use Query Builder to create queries by dragging and dropping tables and fields into your T-SQL query. You can save custom ...
  62. Use the Absolute Value functoid to return the absolute value of a numeric input parameter. This functoid requires one input ...
  63. Use the Add Days functoid to add a specified number of days to a date received as input. This functoid requires two input ...
  64. Use the Addition functoid to calculate the sum of a series of numeric input parameters. This functoid requires two to one ...
  65. Use the Addresses tab to enter address information for your organization that you want to share with a partner. You can enter ...
  66. Use the Arc Tangent functoid to return the arc tangent of a number. This functoid requires one input parameter and returns ...
  67. Use the ASCII to Character functoid to return a character when given an ASCII value as input. This functoid requires one ...
  68. Use the Assert functoid to throw an exception with the second parameter as its error message if the first parameter is evaluated ...
  69. Use the Assert functoid to throw an exception with the second parameter as its error message if the first parameter is evaluated ...
  70. Use the Base-Specified Logarithm functoid to return the base-specified logarithm of a value. This functoid requires two input ...
  71. Use the Character to ASCII functoid to return an ASCII value when given a character as input. This functoid requires one ...
  72. Use the Common Logarithm functoid to return the base 10 logarithm of a value. This functoid requires one input parameter. ...
  73. Use the Contacts tab to enter contact information that you want to share with a partner. You can enter multiple sets of contact ...
  74. Use the Cosine functoid to return the cosine of a number. This functoid requires one input parameter whose value must be ...
  75. Use the Cumulative Average functoid to derive the accumulated average value of a record. This functoid can accept up to two ...