BizTalk Server 2006 R2

  1. This property contains the name of the BizTalk Host for this transport handler. This property is required for instance creation. ...
  2. This property contains the name of the BizTalk Host instance. This name is unique in the BizTalk group. Max length for this ...
  3. This property contains the name of the BizTalk Host that corresponds to this queue. Max length for this property is 80 characters. ...
  4. This property contains the name of the BizTalk Host that this queue corresponds to. Max length for this property is 80 characters. ...
  5. This property contains the name of the BizTalk Host that this transport handler should switch to. To switch this transport ...
  6. This property contains the name of the BizTalk Host this BizTalk Host instance belongs to. Max length for this property is ...
  7. This property contains the name of the BizTalk Host with which this orchestration is enlisted. Max length for this property ...
  8. This property contains the name of the BizTalk Host. This property is required for instance creation. Max length for this ...
  9. This property contains the name of the receive location. This property is required for instance creation. Max length for ...
  10. This property contains the name of the server this BizTalk Host instance is running on. Max length for this property is 63 ...
  11. This property contains the name of the server. This property is required for instance creation. Max length for this property ...
  12. This property contains the name of the transport. This property is required for instance creation. Max length for this property ...
  13. This property contains the name of the Windows group. It can be either a local or a domain Windows group. This group is granted ...
  14. This property contains the name of the Windows group. It can be either a local or a domain Windows group. This group is granted ...
  15. This property contains the name of the Windows group. It can be either a local or a domain Windows group. This group is granted ...
  16. This property contains the name of the Windows group. It can be either a local or a domain Windows group. This group is granted ...
  17. This property contains the public key token of the .NET assembly that corresponds to the service instnce this message belongs ...
  18. This property contains the public key token of the .NET assembly which this orchestration belongs to. Max length for this ...
  19. This property contains the start time of a daily service window for this instance of the receive service. The date part of ...
  20. This property contains the version of the .NET assembly which this orchestration belongs to. Max length for this property ...
  21. This property determines if this is a partner specific EDI schema. Partner URI's can be defined as aliases using BizTalk ...
  22. This property indicates how often the server refreshes the cache of the BizTalk Messaging Configuration objects (in seconds). ...
  23. This property indicates the BizTalk base class that is used when generating the .NET type for this property. Default value ...
  24. This property indicates the configuration status of the Application. It returns true if the logical ports of all the orchestrations ...
  25. This property indicates the number of samples that are used for determining the rate of the Message Delivery to all Service ...
  26. This property indicates the status of the Application. It returns true if all the orchestrations, sendports and sendport ...
  27. This property indicates whether the BizTalk Host represented by this WMI instance is the default BizTalk Host in the BizTalk ...
  28. This property indicates whether the specified server works with the specified MessageBox. The server takes messages from ...
  29. This property indicates which runtime model the instances of the BizTalk Host will be running in. This property is required ...
  30. This property is the Fragment size (in bytes) for large message support. The Fragment size indicates the size that the fragments ...
  31. This property is the name of the BizTalk Administrator Windows Group. Members of this Windows Group are granted permission ...
  32. This property is the name of the BizTalk Operators Windows Group. Members of this Windows Group are granted permission to ...
  33. This property is the Threshold size (in bytes) for large message support. The Threshold size indicates the maximum allowable ...
  34. This property is used to access a dialog for entry of what are effectively business level comments about the node with focus. ...
  35. This property is used to control validation with, or instead of, the normal xsd:maxLength property. Its applicability is ...
  36. This property is used to enable or disable the BizTalk Host instance. It can only be changed when the BizTalk Host instance ...
  37. This property represents the name of the pipeline that will process the document before it is submited to the MessageBox. ...
  38. This property schema is being used in the property fields list to promote properties. It can be deleted only if all property ...
  39. This property specifies whether the 'Log On As Service' privilege should be automatically granted to the specified Logon ...
  40. This Receive shape is not activateable. Only if it is the first Send or Receive shape in the orchestration is it activateable ...
  41. This Receive shape is the first executable statement and its Activate property is set to 'True', therefore, this shape cannot ...
  42. This refers to a code set in the code lists database specified for this schema. At runtime, the element values are checked ...
  43. This release of '[ProductName]' install requires 'BizTalk Server 2006' on the computer. You must install 'BizTalk Server ...
  44. This release of ProductName cannot be installed on the same computer as BTSPRODUCTNAME]. You must uninstall BTSPRODUCTNAME ...
  45. This schema cannot be imported into the current schema. Either it has an incompatible target namespace or it conflicts with ...
  46. This schema cannot be included into the current schema. Either it has an incompatible target namespace or it conflicts with ...
  47. This schema cannot be redefined in the current schema. Either it has an incompatible target namespace or it conflicts with ...
  48. This schema file has the same type name as its namespace. Specify a type name different from its namespace for this schema ...
  49. This schema is not a property schema. A property schema is a special kind of schema in which you list the properties you ...
  50. This serializer component requires delimiters specified in the messaging port. Please specify a valid delimiter set for this ...
  51. This serializer requires qualifiers and values for both the source and destination. Please specify qualifiers and values ...
  52. This service account logon is already used by another BizTalk Host instance with a different authentication trusted setting. ...
  53. This service instance exists to help debug routing failures for instance "%i". The context of the message associated with ...
  54. This setup requires Internet Information Server 4.0 or higher and Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 or higher. This setup cannot ...
  55. This setup requires the .NET Framework version 1]. Please install the .NET Framework and run this setup again. The .NET Framework ...
  56. This shape cannot end a flow. The Loop shape must have an Orchestration connector begin point attached to its Continue portion. ...
  57. This shape contains one condition and represents a process that can be repeated. If the condition evaluates to TRUE, the ...
  58. This shape represents a decision that evaluates one or more conditions sequentially. The sequence follows the flow from the ...
  59. This subscription was modified by another user while you were editing it. Apply your changes to the fields below and try ...
  60. This template create a Business Activity Services collaboration site that provides a workspace for business users to interact ...
  61. This tracking profile does not contain some actions to which milestones or data items are mapped or contains invalid or missing ...
  62. This transport requires either source and destination names or qualifiers. Please specify names or qualifiers in the transaction's ...
  63. This type is defined externally in one of the redefined schemas. Do you want to redefine this type locally and then use it? ...
  64. This version cannot be applied because the name of one or more source specified in the version does not match the names of ...
  65. This version cannot be applied because the number of sources specified in the version does not match the number of sources ...
  66. This view is limited to {0} messages. Use "Show Messages" context menu option available on the selected service instance ...
  67. This view is limited to {0} messages. Use "Show Messages" context menu option on the selected service instance to query for ...
  68. This was probably caused by tampering with the Data of Interest's shape sheet. Only edit the Data of Interest's properties ...
  69. This wizard guides you through the process of exporting a selected application to an MSI file. By default, all resources ...
  70. This wizard guides you through the process of importing an application into a BizTalk group. The application will be imported ...
  71. This wizard guides you through the process of importing an application into a BizTalk group. The application will be imported ...
  72. This wizard guides you through the steps needed to perform the following tasks: Import or export a Policy/Vocabulary file. ...
  73. This wizard guides you through the steps to create a new flat file schema and define records and fields based on the specified ...
  74. This wizard guides you through the steps to define the child elements of the selected record based on the specified flat ...
  75. This wizard helps you add a device. To add a device, you need to know: - Its connection parameters - The provider that the ...