Azure Management Portal

  1. A 20 MB free database cannot be upgraded directly to Premium. To upgrade, first change the database to a paid database by ...
  2. A cloud service is a container for one or more virtual machines you create. You can create a cloud service for a single virtual ...
  3. A cloud storage encryption key is used by the device to access the encrypted data in the cloud. The encryption keys cannot ...
  4. A collection is already being created, please try again when the status of the collection changes from 'Creating' to either ...
  5. A DNS record for '{0}' that points to '{1}.{2}' could not be found. In order to associate a domain with this CDN endpoint, ...
  6. A free database cannot be converted to a Basic, Standard or Premium database directly. Increase the Max Size property of ...
  7. A Free database cannot be upgraded directly to Premium. To upgrade, first change the database to a paid database by choosing ...
  8. A global module with the same name already exists. If you choose to override the global module, the new module will be used ...
  9. A Hosted Service name must be between 1 and 63 characters long, and be composed of letters, numbers and hyphens. Hyphens ...
  10. A management operation is currently in progress. You can adjust configuration settings for the virtual network after the ...
  11. A management operation is currently in progress. You can adjust settings for the dedicated circuit after the operation is ...
  12. A MODEL VIRTUAL DEVICE- Total Storage 30TB, Standard Storage 8020AP MODEL VIRTUAL DEVICE - Total Storage 64 TB, Premium Storage. ...
  13. A MySQL database does not have a management page that is separate from the {0} to which it is linked. If you do not delete ...
  14. A native client is an application that can be installed on a user's device or computer. It can get a token that allows it ...
  15. A newer version of the Management Portal is available. To load it, click OK. If this notification reappears, close and then ...
  16. A package SID is needed to send push notifications to Windows devices. You can get the package SID by registering your application ...
  17. A plan gives you access to a certain amount of usage every month. A plan can be free or paid. If you exceed the amount of ...
  18. A Premium database is significantly more expensive than a standard Web or Business edition SQL database. For more information ...
  19. A Premium database must be created on an existing server with available Premium database quota and on which Premium database ...
  20. A Premium database provides reserved capacity and better performance predictability. Reservation size determines the amount ...
  21. A Premium database provides reserved capacity and more predictable performance. To continue, you must first request a Premium ...
  22. A problem exists. You might have multiple browser windows open. Refresh this page to resolve issues with the browser window. ...
  23. A problem occurred when we tried to retrieve the access keys for Cache '{0}' - {1}. Please try again later or contact support ...
  24. A recovery plans gathers virtual machines or replication groups (for SAN replication) into recovery plan groups and specifies ...
  25. A RemoteApp collection with the specified name already exists in one of your subscriptions. Try again with a different name. ...
  26. A RemoteApp template image contains the remote resources that you want to share with users. You can either import an image ...
  27. A RemoteApp template image contains the remote resources that you want to share with users. You can either upload a new template ...
  28. A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the time stamp ...
  29. A restart will result in provisioning all of your accounts, which may take a long time depending on the size of your directory. ...
  30. A SAS key is used to grant client/server access to the Notification Hub for specific operations such as Listen, Send, and ...
  31. A Service Bus namespace is a container for a set of messaging entities. When you create a new Topic, you also created a Service ...
  32. A Service Bus namespace is a container for a set of messaging entities. When you created a new Event Hub, you also created ...
  33. A Service Bus namespace is a container for a set of messaging entities. When you created a new Queue, you also created a ...
  34. A sign in form was successfully detected at the provided URL. You can now assign users to this application and test it using ...
  35. A slave edition can be set bigger or smaller than the master instance. Recommend not smaller than master to avoid data losing. ...
  36. A soft delete marks an item as deleted but does not permanently remove it from the table. This feature is useful in offline ...
  37. A SQL database server is a central administration point for a logical group of databases. Each server has a unique, fully-qualified ...
  38. A SQL database server is a logical group of databases that acts as a central administration point for multiple databases. ...
  39. A Stream Analytics job can be scaled through Streaming Units, which define the amount of processing power a job receives. ...
  40. A support package consists of troubleshooting logs that can be used by Microsoft Support to investigate any issues you may ...
  41. A support package containing troubleshooting logs will be created and uploaded to the Microsoft Support site. You can obtain ...
  42. A user from an Active Directory tenant that is not linked to your subscription has access to this RemoteApp collection. To ...
  43. A VM image contains all the virtual hard disks (VHDs) used by a virtual machine - the OS disk and all the data disks. Each ...
  44. A Web edition database up to 5 GB in size is best for small web applications and workgroup or departmental applications. ...
  45. A Web edition database up to 5 GB in size is best for small web applications and workgroup or departmental applications. ...
  46. A Web edition database up to 5 GB in size is best for small web applications and workgroup or departmental applications. ...
  47. Access to this app has been removed. This means that {0} users can no longer access this app and the app can no longer access ...
  48. Account id is either the name of the account or the FQDN of the account endpoint. Account name can only contain lowercase ...
  49. ACRs contain the IQN name of the hosts connecting to your storage device and determine which hosts can access device volumes. ...
  50. Activating and configuring directory sync will make your local directory the authoritative data source for most user properties ...
  51. Add " using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices; ", then copy and paste the following code into your AppDelegate.cs file: ...
  52. Add " using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices; ", then copy and paste the following code into your main Activity file: ...
  53. Add a custom domain so that your users can sign in with familiar user names. For example, if your organization owns', ...
  54. Add an Azure storage account with geo-replication enabled. To ensure that replica virtual machines are connected to a network, ...
  55. Add or update the certificate file (.cer) that contains a public key for the vault. The certificate is used to register servers ...
  56. Add performance counters to collect. The counters can be viewed by adding metrics in the {monitorTabId}| Monitor tab|{monitorTabUrl}]. ...
  57. Adding your organization's public address ranges ensures that, going forward, users signing in from these IP addresses will ...
  58. Additional {0} disk slot(s) are required. Selected Master Target server doesn't have free slots. Configure a different server ...
  59. Additional {0} disk slot(s) are required. Selected Master Target servers don't have free slots. Configure a different server ...
  60. Advanced settings help you configure how your Stream Analytics job will read data from the input blob, including which folders ...
  61. After creating your account, create a Team Project to contain your code. Then come back here to provide your account name ...
  62. After failover you can move data replicated in Azure back to your on-premises infrastructure when it's available. To do this ...
  63. After failover you can move data replicated in Azure back to your on-premises infrastructure when it's available. To do this ...
  64. After regenerating, you'll need to update the key on each registered VMM server. To do this, stop the VMM service, run the ...
  65. After registering your device from the Windows PowerShell interface, complete the required device configuration from the ...
  66. After shutdown is complete, you will need to push the power button on one or both controllers to turn on the device. Are ...
  67. After shutdown is complete, you will need to push the power button on your controller to turn it on. Are you sure you want ...
  68. After the device is successfully registered, complete the mandatory configuration of your device by navigating to the Devices ...
  69. After the first device is successfully registered, a service data encryption key is generated. Save this key because it is ...
  70. After the initial sync is complete, go to the users page to verify that your local directory data was successfully synchronized ...
  71. After the initial synchronization, any new accounts you create in Microsoft Azure AD are automatically synchronized to this ...
  72. After the initial synchronization, any new accounts you create in Microsoft Azure AD are automatically synchronized to this ...
  73. After the initial synchronization, any new accounts you create in Microsoft Azure AD will be automatically synchronized to ...
  74. After the shutdown is complete, you can turn on the controller by clicking Manage Controllers' in the Maintenance page or ...
  75. After the specified number of days, export files will be deleted from your storage account. A longer retention time will ...