Visual Studio 2013

  1. TF260224: Team Foundation Server encountered an error while querying the list of virtual networks on the host server {0}. ...
  2. TF260225: Team Foundation Server encountered an error while changing the properties of the following virtual network adapter: ...
  3. TF260226: The host {0} in host group "{1}" is unusable for Lab Management, as it has multiple virtual networks with same ...
  4. TF260227: Team Foundation Server could not enable the 'Enable spoofing of MAC addresses' option on one of the network adapters ...
  5. TF260228: Team Foundation Server could not connect the machine to network location "{0}". Retry the operation. If problem ...
  6. TF26026: A field definition ID {0} in the work item type definition file does not exist. Add a definition for this field ...
  7. TF26027: A field definition {0} in the work item type definition file does not exist. Add a definition for this field or ...
  8. TF26028: A field definition in the work item type definition file does not exist. Add a definition for this field, or remove ...
  9. TF26032: The field specified by ID {0} does not exist in this work item type. Remove the reference or correct the work item ...
  10. TF260456: Team Foundation Server could not fetch the details of the virtual machines on the host group path {0}. Try the ...
  11. TF26045: The field '{0}' has the 'Reportable' attribute set to 'Detail', but its field type does not support this attribute. ...
  12. TF26046: The field '{0}' has the 'Reportable' attribute set to 'Dimension', but its field type does not support this attribute. ...
  13. TF26047: The field '{0}' has the 'Reportable' attribute set to 'Measure', but its field type does not support this attribute. ...
  14. TF26048: The rule '{0}' for field '{1}' refers to field '{2}', which is a different field type. Change the field type or ...
  15. TF260501: Team Foundation Server could not add the user to the following user group in System Center Virtual Machine Manager ...
  16. TF260502: Following templates were not created in the current version of the SCVMM server: {0}. Ask your administrator to ...
  17. TF26050: The work item type definition has a definition for field '{0}' that is a reserved system field name and cannot be ...
  18. TF26051: The field name {0} is not valid. For more information about field name restrictions, see ...
  19. TF260806: The Test Agent Installer service failed to install agents needed for testing. Retry the operation, or log in to ...
  20. TF260807: The Test Agent Installer service failed to configure agents needed for testing. Retry the operation, or log in ...
  21. TF260808: The Test Agent Installer service failed to update the status for this system onto the Team Foundation Server. Possible ...
  22. TF260810: The Test Agent Installer service failed to validate configuration of agents need for testing. Retry the operation, ...
  23. TF26083: The state '{0}' is defined more than once in the work item type definition (WITD) file. Remove or rename the duplicate ...
  24. TF26084: The attachment could not be added because the work item already has the maximum number of supported attachments ...
  25. TF260900: The Test Agent Installer service could not open a WinHTTP session with the test controller. Use the Environment ...
  26. TF260901: The Test Agent Installer service could not open a WinHTTP connection to the test controller %1. Use the Environment ...
  27. TF260902: The Test Agent Installer service could not open a WinHTTP request to the test controller %1. Use the Environment ...
  28. TF260903: Another installation is in progress. Wait for that installation to complete, and then click 'Repair/Install Agents'%0 ...
  29. TF260904: The Test Agent Installer service could not parse the HTTP URL of test controller %1. Use the Environment Viewer ...
  30. TF260905: The Test Agent Installer service could not send a HTTP request to the test controller %1. Confirm that the test ...
  31. TF260906: The Test Agent Installer service did not receive a HTTP response from the test controller %1. Use the Environment ...
  32. TF260907: The Test Agent Installer service could not query HTTP headers from the test controller %1. Use the Environment ...
  33. TF260908: The Test Agent Installer service received the following code in the HTTP response: %1 from testcontroller %2. Use ...
  34. TF260909: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an HTTP error while reading agent data from the test controller %1. ...
  35. TF260910: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while reading or writing from the file: %1. Use the Environment ...
  36. TF260911: The Test Agent Installer service cannot determine whether the test agent is already installed on the machine. Click ...
  37. TF260912: The version of the test agent installed on this machine is not compatible with the version of Team Foundation Server. ...
  38. TF260913: The Test Agent Installer service could not restart the machine. Use the Environment Viewer to connect to the machine ...
  39. TF260914: The Test Agent Installer service could not start the process %1. Wait a few minutes and then click 'Repair/Install ...
  40. TF260915: The Test Agent Installer service could not determine the status of the operation in progress. Wait a few minutes ...
  41. TF260916: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while reading the file: %1. Use the Environment Viewer to ...
  42. TF260917: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while creating an XML reader. Use the Environment Viewer ...
  43. TF260918: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while setting XmlReaderProperty_DtdProcessing for the commands.xml ...
  44. TF260919: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while setting the input for the commands.xml file. Use the ...
  45. TF260920: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while reading attributes from an .xml file. Use the Environment ...
  46. TF260921: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while reading the prefix from an .xml file. Use the Environment ...
  47. TF260922: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while reading a local name from an .xml file. Use the Environment ...
  48. TF260923: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while reading a value from an .xml file. Use the Environment ...
  49. TF260924: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while moving to the element that owns the current attribute ...
  50. TF260925: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while creating a file writer. Use the Environment Viewer ...
  51. TF260926: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while creating an XML writer. Use the Environment Viewer ...
  52. TF260927: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an error while calling the method %1. Use the Environment Viewer to ...
  53. TF260928: The format of the commands.xml file is not valid. The XML element hierarchy is not supported and indicates that ...
  54. TF260929: The Test Agent Installer service cannot find the following key in the XML configuration file or the key is not ...
  55. TF260931: Microsoft Test Manager cannot install the test agent on this machine because the following CPU type is not supported: ...
  56. TF260933: The Test Agent Installer service received a command that is not supported. Use the Environment Viewer to connect ...
  57. TF260934: The Test Agent Installer service could not locate the following file: %1. Use the Environment Viewer to connect ...
  58. TF260935: There are no actions associated with the command: %1. Use the Environment Viewer to connect to the machine and ...
  59. TF260936: The Test Agent Installer service could not delete the following file %1. Use the Environment Viewer to connect ...
  60. TF260937: The test agent is not installed correctly. Click 'Repair/Install Agents'. If the issue persists, use the Environment ...
  61. TF260938: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an unexpected error. Wait a few minutes and then click 'Repair/Install ...
  62. TF260939: The Test Agent Installer service encountered an unexpected error. Wait a few minutes and then click 'Repair/Install ...
  63. TF260940: The URL location used by the test controller to download the test agent is too long or is not formatted correctly. ...
  64. TF260941: The Test Agent Installer service cannot install the test agent because another installation program on this machine ...
  65. TF260942: The user stopped the test agent installation. Wait a few minutes and then click 'Repair/Install Agents'. If the ...
  66. TF260943: The Test Agent Installer service could not access the Windows Installer service. Wait a few minutes and then click ...
  67. TF260944: This machine does not meet the minimum system requirements for installing the test agent. Create an environment ...
  68. TF260945: The user stopped the test agent installation. Use the Environment Viewer to connect to the machine and install ...
  69. TF260946: The Test Agent Installer service could not configure the test agent and the agent returned the following message: ...
  70. TF260947: The Test Agent Installer service could not copy the following string: %1. Wait a few minutes and then click 'Repair/Install ...
  71. TF260949: The Test Agent Installer service cannot uninstall the following product because another installation program on ...
  72. TF260950: The Test Agent Installer service cannot uninstall the following product due to an unexpected error: %1. Wait a ...
  73. TF260951: The Test Agent Installer service could not move the following file: %1. Use the Environment Viewer to connect to ...
  74. TF260952: The Test Agent Installer service could not open the following file: %1. Use the Environment Viewer to connect to ...
  75. TF260953: The Test Agent Installer service could not decrypt the password provided to configure the test agent to run as ...