SQL Server 2016
- All of the configuration settings that are flagged as valid in the tool will be applied to the SharePoint farm. Do you want ...
- All partitions based on a Sample DataView must use the Import query mode to get data. Partition '%{partition/}' in Table ...
- All prerequisites for cleaning up merge meta data have been completed. Execute sp_mergecompletecleanup to initiate the final ...
- All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target ...
- All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target ...
- All records for the entity are not included. If you update the attribute type now, data may be lost. Do you want to continue? ...
- All related columns between table '{0}' and table '{1}' must be specified within the same row. Relate columns within the ...
- All roles and members will be copied to the destination database. Any existing role and membership data will be replaced. ...
- All schedulers on Node %1!s! appear deadlocked due to a large number of worker threads waiting on %2!s!. Process Utilization ...
- All SSDL artifacts must target the same provider. The Provider '{0}' is different from '{1}' that was encountered earlier. ...
- All SSDL artifacts must target the same provider. The ProviderManifestToken '{0}' is different from '{1}' that was encountered ...
- All stored connection strings, credentials, and encrypted values in a subscription will be deleted. After you delete this ...
- All the available inputs on the target component are connected to outputs. Edit this component to define new inputs before ...
- All the events in the workload were ignored due to syntax errors.The most common reason for this error is that the database ...
- All three server instances did not remain interconnected for the duration of the ALTER DATABASE SET WITNESS command. There ...
- All updategram/diffgrams nodes with siblings must have ids, either user specified ones or mapping schema based key field ...
- All users are going to be disconnected. It is advised to backup the databases before upgrading. Would you like to continue? ...
- Allocation failure %1[: %{External/}%]%[, %{External/}%]. If using a 32-bit version of the product, consider upgrading to ...
- Allow Reporting Services to access SQL Server Agent. Access to SQL Server Agent is required to use subscription, schedule, ...
- Allows access to all members currently in the dimension, and allows access to members that are added to the topmost level ...
- Allows to track creation and deletion of internal parameter tables. Those tables are used to store information about active ...
- Allows to track when a new subscription request falls into an already existing class of (Match) or a new class (Create). ...
- ALLSELECTED function without parameters cannot be used as a table expression. It can appear only as a filter in CALCULATE. ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because assembly '%1!s!' has more than one file associated with it. Use ALTER ASSEMBLY DROP FILE to ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because it is referenced by object '%1!s!'. Assemblies that are referenced by SQL objects cannot be ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because required property '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!' was not found with the same signature in the updated ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because serialization data of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types are ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because serialization layout of type '%1!s!' would change as a result of a change in type '%2!s!' in ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because table, view or constraint '%1!s!' depends on this assembly. Use WITH UNCHECKED DATA to skip ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the function '%1!s!' of type '%2!s!' no longer satisfies indexability requirements, and is ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the function '%1!s!' of type '%2!s!' no longer satisfies indexability requirements, and is ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the identity of referenced assembly '%1!s!' has changed. Make sure the version, name, and public ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the IsFixedLen attribute of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the MaxLen attribute of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the mutator attribute of method '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!' would change in the updated assembly, ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the referenced assemblies would change. The referenced assembly list must remain the same. ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the required field "%1!s!" in type "%2!s!" was not found with the same signature in the updated ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the required method "%1!s!" in type "%2!s!" was not found with the same signature in the updated ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the serialization format of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the user-defined aggregate "%1!s!" does not exist or is not correctly defined in the updated ...
- ALTER ASSEMBLY has marked data as unchecked in one or more objects in database "%1!s!". Refer to column "has_unchecked_assembly_data" ...
- ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP MODIFY AVAILABILITY GROUP' command failed. Participant availability replica '%1!s!' not found in ...
- ALTER DATABASE "%1!s!" command cannot be executed until both partner server instances are up, running, and connected. Start ...
- Alter database command failed because SQL Server was started with one or more undocumented trace flags that prevent enabling/disabling ...
- ALTER DATABASE CURRENT failed because '%1!s!' is a system database. System databases cannot be altered by using the CURRENT ...
- ALTER DATABASE failed because the distribution policy is invalid. The database distribution policy must be set to either ...
- ALTER DATABASE statement failed. The containment option of the database '%1!s!' could not be altered because compilation ...
- ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed due to an internal error. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%1!s!'. ...
- ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed. Specified boundary value already exists for federation distribution %1!s! and federation ...
- ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation has been aborted. The %1!s! federation was dropped while the split was still in progress. ...
- ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH IN failed. %1!s! of the federation key in %2!s! doesn't match with the correponding property of federation ...
- ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because specifying %1!s! is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild ...
- ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because the %1!s! option is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild ...
- ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE statement failed on a clustered columnstore index with error %1!s!. See previous error messages for ...
- Alter partition function statement failed. Cannot repartition table '%1!s!' by altering partition function '%2!s!' because ...
- Alter schema collection cannot be performed because the current schema has a lax wildcard or an element of type xs:anyType. ...
- ALTER SCHEMA COLLECTION failed because path '%1!s!' indexed with selective XML index '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!' would be invalidated. ...
- ALTER SCHEMA COLLECTION failed. It cannot be performed on a schema collection that allows laxly validated content and is ...
- ALTER SCHEMA COLLECTION failed. Revalidation of XML columns in table '%1!s!' did not succeed due to the following reason: ...
- Alter table '%1!s!' failed because the added fixed column might cause existing data to go beyond the maximum allowable table ...
- ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN ADD ROWGUIDCOL failed because a column already exists in table '%1!s!' with ROWGUIDCOL property. ...
- ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN DROP ROWGUIDCOL failed because a column does not exist in table '%1!s!' with ROWGUIDCOL property. ...
- ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN failed because '%1!s!' is the only data column in table '%2!s!'. A table must have at least one data ...
- ALTER TABLE failed because the table has %1!s! variable length columns (including columns that have been dropped but require ...
- ALTER TABLE only allows columns to be added that can contain nulls, or have a DEFAULT definition specified, or the column ...
- ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' at ordinal %2!s! in table '%3!s!' has a different name than the ...
- ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same ANSI trimming semantics in tables '%2!s!' ...
- ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same CLR type in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. ...
- ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same collation in tables '%2!s!' and '%3!s!'. ...
- ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same column set property in tables '%2!s!' and ...
- ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same FILESTREAM storage attribute in tables ...
- ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same nullability attribute in tables '%2!s!' ...
- ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same persistent attribute in tables '%2!s!' ...
- ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same ROWGUIDCOL property in tables '%2!s!' and ...
- ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '%1!s!' does not have the same sparse storage attribute in tables '%2!s!' ...