Office System 2013
- We found a pre-release or Beta version of an Office product on your computer and can't install because of it.Please Uninstall ...
- We have created an error report that you can send to help us improve %General_AppName%. We will treat this report as confidential ...
- We have created an error report that you can send to Microsoft. This report will contain the files listed below.If you choose ...
- We invite you to join our Customer Experience Improvement Program to improve the quality, reliability, and performance of ...
- We need to get you online so you can do that. Click the File menu in Internet Explorer, turn off Work Offline, and give it ...
- We noticed the metered connection you're on may charge extra and this Office program might access online content. You may ...
- We noticed the metered connection you're on may charge extra. You might want to tap or click the network icon and turn on ...
- We ran into a problem. Please wait a moment, then try to launch Office on Demand again. You can go online to find more help. ...
- We saved your changes but can't upload them until you check out the file and try uploading again. Click Resolve to see this ...
- We saved your changes but couldn't upload them because we need to refresh this file with updates. Save to refresh this file ...
- We saved your changes but couldn't upload them. This problem might only be temporary, so keep working and try saving again ...
- We saved your changes but we couldn't upload them because the site is temporarily in read-only mode. You can keep working ...
- We saved your changes, but we couldn't verify that you have the necessary permissions to upload the file. Check your permissions ...
- We tried to close the program called '%s', but weren't able to.Please try closing this program yourself and retry once it ...
- We weren't able to add meeting details to the notes page because an error occurred with content on the notes page that we ...
- We weren't able to add meeting details to the notes page because the notebook containing the notes has been moved or deleted. ...
- We weren't able to add meeting details to the notes page because the notes have been moved to the OneNote recycle bin. Please ...
- We weren't able to add meeting details to the notes page because the notes page has been moved or deleted. Please use different ...
- We weren't able to add meeting details to the notes page because the notes page is in read-only mode. Please use different ...
- We weren't able to add meeting details to the notes page because the notes page is updating. Please wait and then try again. ...
- We weren't able to add meeting details to the notes page because the section containing the notes has been moved or deleted. ...
- We weren't able to add meeting details to the notes page because the section containing the notes is in read-only mode. Please ...
- We weren't able to add meeting details to the notes page because the section is password protected. Please remove the password ...
- We weren't able to add the notes because an error occurred with content on the notes page that we are unable to correct. ...
- We weren't able to add the notes because the section is password protected. Please remove the password protection from the ...
- We weren't able to add the notes because the selected location has been moved to the OneNote recycle bin. Please restore ...
- We weren't able to add the notes because the selected notebook has been moved or deleted. Please select a different location ...
- We weren't able to add the notes because the selected page has been moved or deleted. Please select a different location ...
- We weren't able to add the notes because the selected page is in read-only mode. Please select a different location for the ...
- We weren't able to add the notes because the selected section has been moved or deleted. Please select a different location ...
- We weren't able to add the notes because the selected section is in read-only mode. Please select a different location for ...
- We weren't able to locate the meeting notes used previously because the notes page is updating. Please wait and then try ...
- We weren't able to locate the meeting notes used previously because the page has been moved or deleted. Please use different ...
- We weren't able to locate the meeting notes used previously because the section has been moved or deleted. Please use different ...
- We weren't able to locate the meeting notes used previously because the selected notebook has been moved or deleted. Please ...
- We weren't able to locate the meeting notes used previously because they have been moved to the OneNote recycle bin. Please ...
- We weren't able to open the meeting notes because the section containing the notes has been moved or deleted. Please use ...
- We weren't able to open the meeting notes because the section is password protected. Please remove the password protection ...
- We weren't able to open the meeting notes because they have been moved to the OneNote recycle bin. Please restore the notes ...
- We weren't able to open the meeting notes used previously because the section is password protected. Please remove the password ...
- We weren't able to refresh the meeting details because an error occurred with content on the notes page that we are unable ...
- We weren't able to refresh the meeting details because the notebook containing the notes has been moved or deleted. Please ...
- We weren't able to refresh the meeting details because the notes have been moved to the OneNote recycle bin. Please restore ...
- We weren't able to refresh the meeting details because the notes page has been moved or deleted. Please use different notes. ...
- We weren't able to refresh the meeting details because the section containing the notes has been moved or deleted. Please ...
- We weren't able to refresh the meeting details because the section is password protected. Please remove the password protection ...
- We weren't able to share the notes because an error occurred with content on the notes page that we are unable to correct. ...
- We weren't able to share the notes because the selected location has been moved to the OneNote recycle bin. Please restore ...
- We weren't able to share the notes because the selected notebook has been moved or deleted. Please select a different location ...
- We weren't able to share the notes because the selected page has been moved or deleted. Please select a different location ...
- We weren't able to share the notes because the selected page is in read-only mode. Please select a different location for ...
- We weren't able to share the notes because the selected section has been moved or deleted. Please select a different location ...
- We weren't able to share the notes because the selected section is in read-only mode. Please select a different location ...
- We weren't able to share the notes with the meeting because the section is password protected. Please remove the password ...
- We'll download files to repair your installation. This may take some time and requires an internet connection.If you're on ...
- We're about to delete this file because the original has been deleted from the server. If you want to put the file back on ...
- We're having trouble connecting to the Office Store to help you get a free or premium dictionary. Please try again later. ...
- We're not showing definitions because we're having trouble downloading your dictionaries from your company's internal app ...
- We're not showing definitions because your administrator has not installed a dictionary for this language and has disabled ...
- We're sorry - please try repairing again.If a Quick Repair failed, you can do an Online Repair instead, or try restarting ...
- We're sorry but your Office on Demand application needs Microsoft Windows 8 (or later) to run. Go online to look for additional ...
- We're sorry, %s can't be used right now because Office is busy. We're either updating or helping you add or remove some programs.You ...
- We're sorry, but an error occurred and we couldn't start your Office on Demand application.Make sure you're connected to ...
- We're sorry, but an error occurred and we weren't able to add meeting details to the notes page. Please use different notes. ...
- We're sorry, but an error occurred and we weren't able to locate the meeting notes used previously. Please use different ...
- We're sorry, but an error occurred and we weren't able to share notes with the meeting. Please try sharing different notes ...
- We're sorry, but an error occurred with content on the notes page that we are unable to correct. Please try again with different ...
- We're sorry, but Office needs to be repaired. Please Repair Office from 'Programs and Features' in the Control Panel. You ...
- We're sorry, but we can't verify the signature of files required to install your Office product.We need to verify these signatures ...
- We're sorry, but we ran into a problem starting your Office on Demand application.You can try launching again in a moment ...
- We're sorry, but we ran into a problem trying to deliver your Office on Demand.Please close any programs, check your network ...
- We're sorry, but we ran into an error and couldn't start your program.Please try starting your program again, or use the ...
- We're sorry, but you're connected to a network that will charge you for every file you download.We need to stream some large ...
- We're sorry, but your Office on Demand program ran into a problem that's preventing it from working correctly.You can try ...
- We're sorry, but |0 has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly. |1 will need to be closed as a result.Would ...