Windows Server 2008
- This compatibility fix enables standard window messages to pass through to current process from lower desktop integrity levels. ...
- This compatibility fix enables the application to set specific environment variables at application startup. These variables ...
- This compatibility fix ensures that any mode changes the application makes are temporary in nature. When this fix is applied, ...
- This compatibility fix ensures that when a window is destroyed, another visible window from the current application is ready ...
- This compatibility fix fixes problems with any application that uses the Shrinker resource compression library. This library ...
- This compatibility fix forces all windows to display (centered) on the correct monitor. It can be used to prevent windows ...
- This compatibility fix forces the IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf API to return an ANSI string as Windows 98 would, instead ...
- This compatibility fix handles applications that pass a cbSrcLength value that is too big in the ACMSTREAMHEADER parameter ...
- This compatibility fix hooks the CreateProcess and WinExec APIs to spoof executables that need redirection such as Start.exe, ...
- This compatibility fix hooks the CreateProcessA API and ensures that all parameters have acceptable values for Windows XP's ...
- This compatibility fix hooks the GetFileVersionInfo and GetFileVersionInfoSize APIs to return the version block for DirectX ...
- This compatibility fix hooks the mutex APIs that DirectDraw uses to synchronize exclusive mode access and ensures all synchronization ...
- This compatibility fix hooks WinExec if COMMAND_LINE = "nowait" calls CreateProcess without waiting for the created process ...
- This compatibility fix intercepts all of the LZ API calls and either increments or decrements the handles so that a valid ...
- This compatibility fix intercepts calls made to ExitWindowsEx, waits for DLL_PROCESS_DETACH, and then moves the contents ...
- This compatibility fix intercepts calls made to the CreateIcon API and zeros the alpha channel in lpbXORbits. This has the ...
- This compatibility fix intercepts calls made to the GetWindowLongA API and redirects them to the GetWindowLongW API to get ...
- This compatibility fix intercepts calls made to the mciSendCommand API and ignores any MCI_STOP commands. MCI_STOP on Windows ...
- This compatibility fix intercepts calls made to the MessageBox API and adds MB_SETFOREGROUND style. This effectively forces ...
- This compatibility fix intercepts calls to the CreateWindow, DialogBox, and CreateDialog routines in order to ensure that ...
- This compatibility fix intercepts calls to the MessageBox API and, based on the supplied command line, prevents the message ...
- This compatibility fix intercepts calls to the RegisterClass API and changes the brush type to HOLLOW_BRUSH. This prevents ...
- This compatibility fix intercepts calls to the RegQueryValueEx APIs for REG_EXPAND_SZ registry keys and converts them to ...
- This compatibility fix intercepts failing CRT calls that attempt to create a temporary file at the root of the volume and ...
- This compatibility fix is for applications that CoCreateInstance an old MP3 Codec directly and use it as a filter in a DirectShow ...
- This compatibility fix is used to handle scheduling issues that may arise with applications, such as threads suspending or ...
- This compatibility fix limits the DEPTH, BRANCH, or number of FILES returned by a FindFile search. Limits fully qualified ...
- This compatibility fix makes calls to the waveOutOpen, waveOutGetDevCaps, midiOutOpen and midiOutGetDevCaps APIs with the ...
- This compatibility fix marks this application as needing administrator privileges to run correctly. It will not run correctly ...
- This compatibility fix marks this application to run in the most privileged security context available to the user. This ...
- This compatibility fix modifies the memory status structure so that it reports values similar to those that Win9x would have ...
- This compatibility fix modifies the pagefile and physical memory status so that it reports 2 gig of pagefile and 1 gig of ...
- This compatibility fix modifies the pagefile and physical memory status so that it reports available pagefile+avail physical ...
- This compatibility fix modifies the pagefile and physical memory status so that it reports available pagefile+avail physical ...
- This compatibility fix modifies the return values of QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency in order to emulate ...
- This compatibility fix permits a NULL buffer to be passed to VerQuery functions. In Windows XP this technique is considered ...
- This compatibility fix populates HKEY_CURRENT_USER with the necessary default registry settings for the application. This ...
- This compatibility fix pre-initializes applications that would otherwise attempt to initialize them by copying files or registering ...
- This compatibility fix preinstalls drivers for applications that would otherwise attempt to install/start them during first ...
- This compatibility fix preinstalls machine-wide CLSIDs for applications that use SmartSECURE copy protection, which would ...
- This compatibility fix provides a facility to convert the argument list from LPSTR into VA_LIST. Some native Windows 9x applications ...
- This compatibility fix provides a modified version of CreateProcess, which will remove IP from the MsInfo command line. This ...
- This compatibility fix redirects the DBCS temp path to the SBCS temp path. With a DBCS user name logon, the temp path contains ...
- This compatibility fix removes any invalid window styles from calls made to the CreateWindowEx API. Invalid window styles ...
- This compatibility fix resolves an issue that some applications may encounter where a call to IShellLink::Resolve may generate ...
- This compatibility fix sets the screen display to 640x480 pixels when the process starts as a temporary resolution change. ...
- This compatibility fix sets the screen display to 640x480 pixels with 16-bit color when the process starts as a temporary ...
- This compatibility fix sets the screen display to 640x480 pixels with 8-bit color when the process starts as a temporary ...
- This compatibility fix sets the working directory to match the executable path when using the IShellLink SetWorkingDirectory ...
- This compatibility fix sets the _PROCESS_HISTORY environment variable enabling any child processes to look in their parent's ...
- This compatibility fix takes a semi-colon delimited command line of filenames. At process termination, the DLL will extract ...
- This compatibility fix trims file and product version resource strings so that they are identical to the Win2000 structure. ...
- This compatibility fix validates the calls to the HeapFree API to ensure the pointer is in the heap that it was allocated ...
- This compatibility fix will delay calls to LocalFree. This may help applications that are trying to free heap memory using ...
- This compatibility fix will intercept calls to the SearchPath API and modifies the command to also search the shell's App ...
- This compatibility fix will prevent specified DLLs from being loaded by the LoadLibrary API. This may be useful for applications ...
- This compatibility fix will remove the Read-Only attribute from all directories. This may be helpful to applications that ...
- This compatibility fix will retrieve JOYCAPS data for a given joystick number and copy the number of requested bytes to an ...
- This compatibility shim was written to try and fix applications which fail when trying to interact with services running ...
- This component could not be installed because another component in the same DLL is already registered as remote. Delete those ...
- This component did not download correctly because the data is not digitally signed, and therefore cannot be verified as trusted. ...
- This component is registered in one or more Application Partition(s) outside of Base Application Partition. COM+/VB6 Debugging ...
- This component provides TCP/IP load balancing functionality. To configure use the Network Load Balancing Manager utility. ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because a security package error occurred in RPC. Retry the connection ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because a smartcard credential is required to authenticate to the Termainal ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because a username/password is required to authenticate to the Terminal ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because an alternate logon method is required. Contact your network administrator ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because an error occurred on the remote computer that you want to connect ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because an incorrect version of rpcrt4.dll has been detected. Verify that ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because authentication to the firewall failed due to invalid firewall ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because authentication to the firewall failed due to missing firewall ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because it is unable to verify the certificate revocation list. Contact ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because no certificate was configured to use at the Terminal Services ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because no smart card reader is detected. Try again using a smart card ...
- This computer can't connect to the remote computer because no smart card service is installed. Install smart card service ...