SQL Server 2016
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses a Previous function in an outer aggregate. Previous functions cannot be specified ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses a RunningValue function in an outer aggregate. RunningValue functions cannot be ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses a scope parameter for an aggregate function. The scope parameter cannot be used ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses an aggregate expression with an invalid recursive/simple flag. The valid values ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses an aggregate expression with the recursive/simple flag. The recursive/simple flag ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses an aggregate expression without a scope. A scope is required for all aggregates ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses an aggregate function in the argument to another aggregate function. Nested aggregates ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses an aggregate function on data of varying data types. Aggregate functions other than ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses an aggregate function with an expression that returned a data type not valid for ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses an outer aggregate that specifies a Lookup expression that uses an aggregate. Nested ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses the aggregate function "Aggregate". The aggregate function "Aggregate" cannot be ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses the Aggregate Function in an argument to another aggregate function. The Aggregate ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses the function Aggregate with an invalid expression parameter. The expression parameter ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses the function Aggregate with an invalid scope parameter. The scope parameter must ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses the Min or Max aggregate function on data that cannot be sorted. The functions Min ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses the Union aggregate function on data of varying data types. The Union function aggregates ...
- The {2} expression for the {0} {1}' uses the Union aggregate function on data that is not spatial. The Union function aggregates ...
- The {2} expression for {0} '{1}' contains a report item reference in an argument to a Lookup or LookupSet function. Report ...
- The {2} expression for {0} '{1}' contains a variable reference in an argument to a Lookup or LookupSet function. Variable ...
- The {2} expression for {0} '{1}' contains a variable reference in the argument to an aggregate function (or RunningValue). ...
- The {2} expression for {0} '{1}' contains a variable reference in the Expression argument of a Previous function. Variable ...
- The {2} expression for {0} '{1}' contains an aggregate function in an argument to a Lookup or LookupSet function. Aggregate ...
- The {2} expression for {0} '{1}' contains the Previous function in an argument to a Lookup or LookupSet function. The Previous ...
- The {2} expression for {0} '{1}' contains the RowNumber function in an argument to a Lookup or LookupSet function. The RowNumber ...
- The {2} expression used for report parameter '{1}' includes a variable reference. Variable values cannot be used in report ...
- The {2} expression used in {0} {1}' returned a numeric value that cannot fit in an Int32. In the target report, consider ...
- The {2} extension for CustomReportItem {3}' created an {0} {1}' with a shared and a non-shared {4} style property. Style ...
- The {2} for {0} '{1}' contains a {3} that has already been specified in a previous {2}. {3} can only be specified once within ...
- The {2} for {0} '{1}' specifies NaturalJoin but the containing {2} of {3} '{4}' does not specify NaturalJoin. NaturalJoin ...
- The {2} in the {0} '{1}' has the name '{3}'. {2} names cannot be null and must be unique within the {2} collection for the ...
- The {2} in {0} '{1}' contains an inconsistent {3} in one or more of the TablixMembers that contain headers for {7} {4}. {7} ...
- The {2} of the {0} {1}' has an invalid value. The {2} must be 0, if the TablixCell has no CellContents; or greater than 0, ...
- The {2} of the {0} {1}' has an invalid value. The {2} must be 0, if the TablixCornerCell has no CellContents, or greater ...
- The {2} property of the {0} {1}' uses the unit name "{3}", which is not valid. Valid unit names include mm, cm, in, pt, and ...
- The {2} specified in {0} '{1}' contains a {2} circular reference. Circular references within a {2} are not allowed. Check ...
- The {2} value expression for the {0} {1}' uses aggregate function First, Last or Previous. These aggregate functions cannot ...
- The {2} value expression for the {0} {1}' uses an aggregate function in the argument to another aggregate function. Nested ...
- The {2} value expression for the {0} {1}' uses the Previous aggregate function. Previous cannot be used in variable value ...
- The {2} value expression for the {0} {1}' uses the RunningValue aggregate function. RunningValue cannot be used in variable ...
- The {2} value expression for {0} {1}' uses the RowNumber function. RowNumber cannot be used in variable value expressions. ...
- The {2} value expression used for the language of '{1}' refers to a report item. Variable values cannot be used in report ...
- The {2}' extension failed to load the extension assembly. The {0} {1}' will render the AltReportItem or preserve the white ...
- The {2}' property of {0} {1}' is false. However, the {3}' property contains a value that violates the {2}' property condition. ...
- The {2}' property of {0} {1}' is set to false. However, the {3}' property contains a value that violates the {2}' property ...
- The {3} '{1}' contains a {0} that specifies a value for the {2} property. A {0} may only specify a value for {2} when the ...
- The {3} '{1}' contains a {0} that uses a relationship or default relationship with no JoinConditions. Relationships without ...
- The {3} name '{2}' extended by extension type '{1}' in the assembly '{0}' does not exist in the metadata store. The name ...
- The {3} property for the {0} {1}' contains {4}'. Field names must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to {5} characters. ...
- Then, if you want to reestablish the result set, you can rerun the query or view. Do you want to prolong your work with the ...
- There are circular feature dependencies defined in the feature relationship. Feature dependencies determine the sequence ...
- There are duplicate values for '%{SortByAttribute/}'. Only one-to-one relationship is supported between members of '%{SortAttribute/}' ...
- There are existing subscriptions to heterogeneous publication '%1!s!'. To add new articles, first drop the existing subscriptions ...
- There are feature dependencies defined within features in package {0}. Feature dependencies can only be defined for features ...
- There are fewer columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES ...
- There are five steps to complete this wizard: 1. Select the SSIS Package that you want to publish as a view in a SQL Server ...
- There are five steps to completing this wizard: 1. Select the Deployment Model: Project Deployment or Package Deployment. ...
- There are five steps to completing this wizard: 1. Specify the instance of SQL Server to enroll. 2. Specify the account to ...
- There are five steps to completing this wizard: 1. Specify the instance of SQL Server where the UCP will be created. 2. Specify ...
- There are four steps to complete this wizard: 1. Select database objects. 2. Specify scripting or publishing options. 3. ...
- There are four steps to completing this wizard: 1. Select the DAC package. 2. Configure the deployment. 3. Review your selections. ...
- There are more columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES ...
- There are more than 16 exact match joins, so performance may not be optimal. Reduce the number of exact match joins to improve ...
- There are more than one Data Streaming Destination components in the package and only one of them can pass data to a SQL ...
- There are multiple FORCESEEK hints specified on the same table or view. Remove the extra FORCESEEK hints and resubmit the ...
- There are multiple input columns with the name "%1!s!". The desired input column must be specified uniquely as Component ...
- There are multiple packages in this project named "{0}". Rename one of the packages before converting the project to the ...
- There are multiple paths (in the data source view) from '{1}' (the source table of the nested key column) to the ForeignKeyColumns ...
- There are multiple paths (in the data source view) from the case table '{0}' to the lookup table '{1}'. This ambiguity can ...
- There are multiple paths (in the data source view) from the ForeignKeyColumns table '{0}' to the case table '{1}'. This ambiguity ...
- There are multiple paths (in the data source view) from the KeyColumns table '{0}' to the NameColumn table '{1}'. This ambiguity ...
- There are multiple REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE_OVERRIDE hints specified on the same table or view reference. Remove the extra REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE_OVERRIDE ...
- There are multiple variables with the name "%1!s!". The desired variable must be specified uniquely as @[Namespace::%2!s!]. ...
- There are no cluster physical disk resources available. At least one disk is required for this operation. To continue, specify ...
- There are no corrections or suggestions for this field. Consider removing it from the mapping, running knowledge discovery, ...
- There are no data source views in this database. Click Cancel to exit the wizard, and then use the Data Source View Wizard ...