Office System 2010
- An operation that uses the database driver could not be completed. If the driver is a Microsoft driver, make sure the driver ...
- An option button cannot be bound to a group, repeating field, or a field with a picture, rich text or complex data type. ...
- An runtime error occurred in the form definition (.xsf) file. There is an inappropriate value for the attribute '%2' on within ...
- An runtime error occurred in the form definition (.xsf) file. There is an inappropriate value for the attribute '%2' on within ...
- An unexpected e-mail error has occurred.}Try the following: \- Check that the recipient's address is correct. \- Free up ...
- An unexpected end of file was encountered for file "%3". This could be a hardware problem or a corrupt file. Try to read ...
- An unexpected error has occurred during AutoRecover save. It may be possible to AutoRecover a minimal version of the file, ...
- An unexpected error has occurred for one or more Web Parts on this page. For assistance, see the Web Part developer or your ...
- An unexpected error has occurred while trying to restrict permission to your |0. Contact your administrator for assistance. ...
- An unexpected error has occurred with your connection to the mail server.}Check your network connections, and then try again. ...
- An unexpected error has occurred. Restart Microsoft Office Starter To-Go Device Manager and attempt your last action again. ...
- An unexpected error occurred during command execution.}Try the following: \- Verify that all argument names and values are ...
- An unexpected error occurred during printing or copying.}Try the following: \- If you are printing across a network, check ...
- An unexpected error occurred during the save operation.}There is a problem with the GIF graphics conversion filter (^1). ...
- An unexpected error occurred during the save operation.}There is a problem with the GIF graphics conversion filters. To install ...
- An unexpected error occurred in accessing this file.}Try one of the following: \- The file may be temporarily opened by another ...
- An unexpected error occurred while accessing the file.}Check that the file name and path are correct, and that your network ...
- An unexpected error occurred while changing the owner of the database. This problem can occur if you have (1) previously ...
- An unexpected error occurred while helping protect the security of the '|' object, so the wizard will now stop. Since installation ...
- An unexpected error occurred while printing.}Try one of the following: \- Free up available memory by closing programs, projects, ...
- An unexpected error occurred while trying to delete {0}. Try to delete it again, or open the notebook in {richclientfull}. ...
- An unexpected error occurred.}Project cannot find a necessary file, \"^1\". You will need to reinstall Project to complete ...
- An unexpected error occurred.}Project status has been cleared by another user; proceeding with the update can corrupt the ...
- An unexpected error occurred.}The database could not be initialized because it is not configured correctly, it does not support ...
- An unexpected error occurred.}The document table could not be opened for locking. Contact your system administrator for the ...
- An unexpected error occurred.}The document table could not be opened. Contact your system administrator for the database. ...
- An unexpected error occurred.}The selected database does not support the decimal or double data type. These data types are ...
- An unexpected error prevented access to this file. Use a disk error checking program to check the disk, and then try using ...
- An unexpected error was encountered while inserting or editing an image. Save your changes by closing the editor, and then ...
- An unexpected error was encountered while trying to connect to {0}. The error is "{1}". The site might be unavailable or ...
- An unexpected exception occurred during scheduled approval of a file in site '%1'. Attempts will be made to continue scheduled ...
- An unexpected exception occurred during scheduled unpublish of a file in site '%1'. Attempts will be made to continue scheduled ...
- An unexpected exception occurred while retrieving a list in Web '{0}' with Guid '{1}'. Scheduling of deployed items in that ...
- An unexpected exception occurred while retrieving a web with Guid '{0}'. Scheduling of deployed items in that web has been ...
- An unexpected exception occurred while retrieving item '{0}' from list '{1}' in web '{2}'. Scheduling of this deployed item ...
- An unexpected Input/Output error occurred for file "%3". This could be a hardware problem or a corrupt file. Try to read ...
- An unexpected message was received from the filtering process. The crawler will retry this item in the next crawl. If this ...
- An unexpected message was received from the filtering process. The crawler will retry this item in the next crawl. If this ...
- An unexpected problem occurred with the spelling checker.}Reinstall the spelling checker by running Microsoft Project Setup. ...
- An unexpected serious error occurred when executing %1. The workbook will be unloaded by the Excel Calculation Services. ...
- An unfinished deployment of the farm encryption key was found. To continue the unfinished farm encryption key update, run: ...
- An Unformatted Number field allows users to enter a validated number value that displays without any formatting such as comma ...
- An unknown error has occurred. If the problem persists contact an administrator. There may be additional information in the ...
- An unknown error has occurred. The form template has been published to the server but it can only be opened in (!idspnInfoPathEditor). ...
- An unknown error occurred while communicating with the server. Please verify that you are connected to the network, the full ...
- An unknown error was encountered during a synchronization operation with the service. Some of the items might not have been ...
- An unknown field from a future version of Forms has been added to this form. Please upgrade to the latest version of SharePoint ...
- An unknown ScreenTip error has occurred, therefore the ScreenTip language will revert to match the Interface Language. %s ...
- An unrecognized certificate-issuing authority provided the security certificate for the server you are trying to access. ...
- An unrecognized HTTP response was received when attempting to crawl this item. Verify whether the item can be accessed using ...
- An unrecognized HTTP response was received when attempting to crawl this item. Verify whether the item can be accessed using ...
- An unspecified error occurred while attempting to connect to the data source. (!idspnInfoPath_NV) supports only Microsoft ...
- An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action. The object |0 was updated by |1, in the |2 process, on ...
- An update for %s is now available online. Please remain connected to the internet for the duration of the update. Do you ...
- An update for this task has been sent to {TManagerName} on {WASSN_SEND_UPDATE_DATE} but has not yet been updated in the project. ...
- An update has not yet been sent to resources who have been removed from task assignments. An update with this information ...
- An update is already in progress. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. ...
- An update is already in progress. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. ...
- An update is available on the Microsoft Download Center for this social network provider: . Click here to download the update. ...
- An XML error has occurred. Please correct the problem and try again. Click the Details button for a more specific description ...
- An XML expansion pack is currently not attached to this document. You can add a solution by selecting Document Template on ...
- An xy (scatter) chart shows either the relationship among the numeric values in several data series, or plots two groups ...
- Analysis Services Data Source Create a data source that connects to cube data in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services. ...
- ancestor-or-self::*" selects all the element ancestors of the context node, including the context node. "ancestor-or-self::author" ...
- ancestor::*" selects all the element ancestors of the context node. "ancestor::author" selects all the "author" element ancestors ...
- and choose the item. You can specify the item in the tool pane or choose to retrive the item from either the URL or another ...
- Animation changes Other authors have made animation changes which cannot be merged. Choose between your slide or all changes ...
- Annotation cannot be edited or searched on after they are made permanent. Are you sure you want to make annotations permanent? ...
- Annotation transactions always spawn a transaction for the annotated document and then fail themselves. This is an internal ...
- Annotation transactions always spawn a transaction for the annotated document and then fail themselves. This is an internal ...
- Anonymous access allows users to view the pages on this site without logging in. This is useful when creating internet facing ...
- Another add-in (such as the SQL Server Browser) is using the current database. Please close the other add-in and then run ...
- Another application has exclusive access to the file '[2]'. Please shut down all other applications, then click 'Retry'. ...
- Another application terminated unexpectedly while using your personal address book. To avoid damage to your personal address ...
- Another author has connected this document to an external data source. If this is expected, click Yes to run the following ...