Office System 2010
- An exception occurred while querying the named set with expression '{0}'. The following information may help diagnose this ...
- An exception occurred while rendering a Web control. The following diagnostic information might help to determine the cause ...
- An exception occurred while rendering a Web control. The following diagnostic information might help to determine the cause ...
- An exception occurred while updating provider user selections. The following diagnostic information might help to determine ...
- An excessive number of progress lines are specified.}The current settings in the Progress Lines dialog box will result in ...
- An Exclusive Event Gateway must not have outgoing Sequence Flow to both Tasks and Intermediate Events with the Message Trigger/Result. ...
- An existing LobSystem (External System) with Name '{0}' already defines an Entity (External Content Type) with Namespace ...
- An existing LobSystem (External System) with Name '{0}' already defines an Entity (External Content Type) with Namespace ...
- An existing request to enable the Enterprise feature is in progress. To check the status of this request, go to the Timer ...
- An existing request to upgrade from Oem to Enterprise is currently being processed. To check the status of this request, ...
- An Expanded Sub-Process is an activity whose details are visible within its boundary. Drag the shape onto the drawing page, ...
- An expiration schedule set on the Document or Item content type cannot be based off of a system generated property such as ...
- An expiration timer job is currently running. It may take awhile before all of your expired items are processed, depending ...
- An expression in argument | has an invalid value.@You tried to run a macro or used the DoCmd object in Visual Basic. The ...
- An expression you entered is the wrong data type for one of the arguments.@You tried to run a macro or use a method to carry ...
- An external content type which has the same name and namespace with the current external content type has been created in ...
- An external content type with name {0} already exists in namespace {1}. Do you want to change the namespace to {2} and continue? ...
- An external content type with name {0} already exists in namespace {1}. Do you want to rename your external content type ...
- An external data query was queued because there were already %1 active external queries. To improve performance, consider ...
- An hour of audio may take two or three hours to get indexed. We recommend that you leave (!idspnOneNote) running at night ...
- An IIS web site by the name of {0} already exists on this server. This name is reserved for the SharePoint Central Administration ...
- An image has already been uploaded. You may choose to replace it with an updated image, but all existing ratings and comments ...
- An import error occurred.}An error occurred during import on line # ^1. ^2 To continue importing with additional error messages, ...
- An import error occurred.}Check row ^2 column ^3. ^1 To continue importing with additional error messages, click Yes. To ...
- An Import/Export map called \"^1\" already exists.}To replace the existing map, click OK. To choose a different name, click ...
- An index corruption was encountered while attempting to restart an aborted merge. A catalog reset of search application "%1" ...
- An index corruption was encountered while attempting to restart an aborted merge. A catalog reset of search application %1 ...
- An index speeds up searches and sorting on the field, but may slow updates. Selecting "Yes - No Duplicates" prohibits duplicate ...
- An installation for 2 is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you want ...
- An installation for 2 is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you want ...
- An installation package for the product 2 cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation ...
- An Intermediate (Throwing) Event with the None or Compensation Trigger/Result must have exactly one incoming Sequence Flow. ...
- An Intermediate Compensation Event must have exactly one incoming Sequence Flow unless it is on the boundary of an Activity. ...
- An Intermediate or Intermediate (Throwing) Event with the Message, Timer, Conditional, Link or Signal Trigger/Result must ...
- An internal application error occurred. A safe recovery could not be made. Please save the current document under a different ...
- An internal converter error occured. Further information may be available in the log files that are accessible to your system ...
- An internal error has occurred and program execution can no longer continue. Execution has been terminated due to the following: ...
- An Internal error prevented the request from being processed. Excel Calculation Services %1 Exception: %2 Session: %3 User: ...
- An Internet connection is required to ensure that your subscription for Microsoft Office is not interrupted. If the attempts ...
- An invalid attribute was specified for this tag, or a required attribute is missing. The application's configuration was ...
- An invalid attribute was specified for this tag, or a required attribute is missing. The application's configuration was ...
- An invalid condition was encountered by Access due to a value that you entered for a field or table property. Review the ...
- An invalid custom field type was specified. Specify a valid type enumeration corresponding to Cost, Date, Duration, Flag, ...
- An invalid custom field type was specified.} Specify a valid type enumeration corresponding to Cost, Date, Duration, Flag, ...
- An invalid date was specified for calendar exception {0}. This is not a valid date, or is outside the range for dates, which ...
- An invalid MaxConnection property has been specified for the |0 interface in the |1 Web Part. The permitted values are WebPart.LimitOneConnection ...
- An invalid Office item type was specified. One of the following values must be specified: Appointment, Contact, Post, or ...
- An invalid or empty reference to a Cascading Style Sheet file was specified. Valid references must specify only a filename ...
- An invalid RecurrenceDays value was specififed for calendar exception {0}. See the CalendarRecurrenceDays enum for a list ...
- An invalid RecurrenceFrequency was specified for calendar exception {0}. RecurrenceFrequency must be between 1-999 inclusive. ...
- An invalid RecurrencePosition was specified for calendar exception {0}. See the CalendarExceptionNumericalPosition enum for ...
- An invalid RecurrenceType was specified for calendar exception {0}. See the CalendarRecurrenceType enum for a list of valid ...
- An IRM protected workbook was requested from SharePoint Foundation. IRM protected workbooks will not load on Excel Services ...
- An IRM protected workbook was requested from SharePoint Foundation. IRM protected workbooks will not load on Excel Services. ...
- An issue was found with the following variable '{0}'. Member variables are not supported. Use the FormState property to store ...
- An item cannot be copied into its own document.}To complete this action, designate a document other than the source document. ...
- An item name cannot be found. Check that you've typed the name correctly and the item is present in the PivotTable report. ...
- An item name in the formula does not match any of the items in the field. Check the field in the PivotTable report to make ...
- An item name is ambiguous. Another field in the PivotTable report may have an item with the same name. Use the syntax field[item]. ...
- An MDE file is smaller and faster because it doesn't have all the information used by Access in design modes. Caution: You ...
- An object cannot be placed at this location.}You cannot change the position or size of a drawn object that is below row 9999 ...
- An object cannot be processed because search cannot convert a Notes Access-Denied entry in the Access Control List into a ...
- An object cannot be processed because search cannot convert a Notes Access-Denied entry in the Access Control List into a ...
- An object could not be inserted because it was a duplicate of an existing object. The object may be a catalog or other named ...
- An object could not be inserted because it was a duplicate of an existing object. The object may be a catalog or other named ...
- An object in the SharePoint administrative framework, "|0", could not be deleted because other objects depend on it. Update ...
- An object in the SharePoint administrative framework, "|0", depends on other objects which do not exist. Ensure that all ...
- An object of the type |0 named "|1" already exists under the parent |2 named "|3". Rename your object or delete the existing ...
- An Office 2003 installation on your computer is corrupted and setup cannot continue. Remove or repair the Office 2003 product ...
- An Office application was installed using the Installed on first use install option (also referred to as Install on demand ...
- An Office property cannot be mapped to more than one data source element. Following Office properties are mapped to multiple ...
- An older version of Outlook is installed on this computer. If you have purchased Outlook 2010, it is recommended that you ...
- An OLE object cannot be saved because its source program is busy. The program may be showing a dialog box and waiting for ...
- An open window or dialog box is preventing you from closing (!idspnOutlook_NV). Close the open window or dialog box before ...
- An operation failed because the following certificate has validation errors: Subject Name: %1 Issuer Name: %2 Thumbprint: ...