Visual Studio 2012

  1. There are no template bindings configured for code generation at the model's root. Would you like to configure these before ...
  2. There are no test environments available that can be matched to a set of roles. Go to the{0}to create an environment for ...
  3. There are no types of work items configured for synchronization for the following team project collection and team project: ...
  4. There are no virtual user licenses installed on controller '{0}'. In order to run load tests against a test controller, you ...
  5. There are no worksheets in the workbook. Microsoft Office Excel projects must have at least one worksheet. Add a worksheet ...
  6. There are no worksheets in the workbook. Microsoft Office Excel projects must have at least one worksheet. Add a worksheet ...
  7. There are one or more existing mappings for children of the server folder {0}. Do you want to remove these mappings to consolidate ...
  8. There are one or more machines of the environment which do not have the latest version of test agent installed on this snapshot. ...
  9. There are one or more snapshots of the environment being updated. These snapshots will no longer be available after you add ...
  10. There are some validation errors in the admin deployment metadata xml provided. For more details, please see the setup log. ...
  11. There are too many builds waiting in the queue for machine pool {0}. The current count is {1}, but this could change without ...
  12. There are two or more Team Project Collections named '{0}' registered in the system. Delete the duplicate collections and ...
  13. There are unsaved query changes. If you continue and refresh the query hierarchy then you will lose your changes. Do you ...
  14. There are {0} deleted CSS nodes not saved because their Forwarding IDs are not found in the Area and Iteration dimension ...
  15. There are {0} file(s) excluded from the shelveset for unshelving. However, they will be included in your code review request. ...
  16. There is a configuration issue with the selected Debugging Accelerator Type. For information on specific Accelerator providers, ...
  17. There is a cycle of XML compatibility definitions, such that namespace '{0}' overrides itself. This could be due to inconsistent ...
  18. There is a cycle of XML compatibility definitions, such that namespace '{0}' overrides itself. This could be due to inconsistent ...
  19. There is a cycle of XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute definitions in assembly '{0}', such that namespace '{1}' overrides itself. ...
  20. There is a mix of CPU-bound animations and GPU-bound animations that is causing the frame rate to be inconsistent. Animation ...
  21. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact ...
  22. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. ...
  23. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact ...
  24. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run. ...
  25. There is a relatively high rate of Gen 2 garbage collections occurring. If, by design, most of your program's data structures ...
  26. There is already a copy of the test agent running. An error occurred while trying to access the running application. You ...
  27. There is already a folder named '%1'. If files in the existing folder have the same names as files in the folder you are ...
  28. There is already an active code review requested for this shelved work. To request another review, first close or abandon ...
  29. There is already an ETW "{0}" session running. In order to profile with the current settings it must be stopped. Press OK ...
  30. There is an incompatibility between versions of Internet Information Server (IIS) on the client and the server. The usual ...
  31. There is insufficient disk space to create the action recording. You must delete some files from your computer to free some ...
  32. There is little or no benefit to using a type smaller than Int32. You might require a type that is larger than Int32 if: ...
  33. There is local Test Run in progress. Closing the solution will cause it to be aborted. Are you sure you want to close the ...
  34. There is more than one test variable with the name '{0}' in the test configuration. Test variables in the same test configuration ...
  35. There is more than one value with the name '{0}' in the test variable. Values in the same test variable must have unique ...
  36. There is more than one XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute in assembly '{0}' for OldNamespace '{1}'. Remove the extra attribute(s). ...
  37. There is no agent available for role '{0}', which runs diagnostic data adapters. Your tests can be run, but the diagnostic ...
  38. There is no agent available for role '{0}', which runs diagnostic data adapters. Your tests cannot be run. If you want to ...
  39. There is no agent available for the role that must run the tests. Your tests cannot be run. You can perform one of the following ...
  40. There is no agent available for the role that must run the tests. Your tests cannot be run. You can perform one of the following ...
  41. There is no declarative Web test with the name '{0}' included in this Web test; the string argument to IncludeWebTest must ...
  42. There is no defined ordering between fields in multiple declarations of partial class or struct '%1!ls!'. To specify an ordering, ...
  43. There is no disk in drive 2]. Please insert one and click Retry, or click Cancel to go back to the previously selected volume. ...
  44. There is no disk in drive 2]. Please insert one and click Retry, or click Cancel to return to the browse dialog and select ...
  45. There is no local file associated with a pending change on {0}. This can occur when multiple changes have been applied to ...
  46. There is no managed code running in the process. In order to attach to a process with the .NET debugger, managed code must ...
  47. There is no metadata file available in which to save test list information. Please open a solution or metadata file before ...
  48. There is no network adapter on the virtual machines that is connected to a logical network. Modify the virtual machine using ...
  49. There is no public default constructor for '{0}'. This might be referenced by a '{0}' tag, or it might be the default type ...
  50. There is no SCVMM server associated with this project collection. Run TfsConfig /lab to inspect application-level SCVMM server ...
  51. There is not enough disk space on the volume '[2]' to continue the install with recovery enabled. 3 KB are required, but ...
  52. There is not enough free disk space for collection to continue (at least {0} is required). Would you like to specify an alternate ...
  53. There is uncalled code that is not externally visible and is not a known runtime entry point. If this violation fires in ...
  54. There should not be any lab information for a physical test environment, and there should be lab information for a non-physical ...
  55. There was a conflict between two files from the redist folder files going to the same target path "{0}" between the "{1}" ...
  56. There was a conflict between two redist files going to the same target path "{0}" within the "{1}" SDK. Choosing "{2}" over ...
  57. There was a conflict between two references with the same file name between the "{0}" and "{1}" SDKs. Choosing "{2}" over ...
  58. There was a conflict between two references with the same file name resolved within the "{0}" SDK. Choosing "{1}" over "{2}" ...
  59. There was a failure while initializing the %s source control provider. You cannot use this provider to perform source control ...
  60. There was a problem creating and initializing the processor for a directive named '{1}'. The type of the processor is {0}. ...
  61. There was a problem loading the Add-in file '%s'. Would you like to remove this Add-in file? If you choose yes, the file ...
  62. There was a problem or delay during the creation of your initial Team Project Collection. To check the status of the Team ...
  63. There was a problem reading metadata from '%1' ('%2'). IntelliSense may not work properly until the solution is reloaded. ...
  64. There was an error connecting to the following team project: {0}. Ensure that the project exists in the following Team Foundation ...
  65. There was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete this installation.{ Folder: 3]. System error code: ...
  66. There was an error during job agent execution. The operation will be retried. Similar errors in the next five minutes may ...
  67. There was an error initializing a JobRunner. The job will be rescheduled for execution five minutes from now. QueueEntry: ...
  68. There was an error opening Change Source Control dialog. To allow the solution to open, some of its projects were temporarily ...
  69. There was an error processing the data in the network profile (This generally indicates invalid data in the network profile). ...
  70. There was an error saving the component database to disk. This database is used to enhance the performance of the Add Remove ...
  71. There was an error trying to create a folder in the source control database using the default name. To continue adding the ...
  72. There was an error while writing to the item %s. This item keeps track of the solution's location, and a failure to update ...
  73. There was an error with process template "{0}". Please select another template or contact your Team Foundation Server administrator ...
  74. There was an internal error when querying IIS 7.0 for profiling. Ensure that you have all of the following Internet Information ...
  75. There was an internal error when querying IIS 7.0 for profiling. Ensure that you have the following IIS 6 Management Compatibility ...