Visual Studio 2012

  1. The test agent is either not running or not properly configured on the machine. Click Repair/Install Agents'. Alternatively, ...
  2. The test agent on the machines that use the selected role will be configured to run as interactive process. Specify the user ...
  3. The test agent will run as an interactive process. In this mode, you can run automated tests that need to interact with the ...
  4. The test agent will run as Windows service. This is the recommended mode when you need to run automated tests that do not ...
  5. The test assembly '{0}' cannot be loaded on machine '{1}' because access is denied. Please grant the user '{2}' permission ...
  6. The test assembly '{0}' cannot be loaded on machine '{1}' because access is denied. Please grant the user '{2}' permission ...
  7. The test automation associated with the following test case could not be found: {0}]. Run the test case again using a build ...
  8. The test cannot be run. Confirm that there is a solution open, and that the test you want to run is contained in the current ...
  9. The test case with id {0} refers the shared step with id {1} which either does not exist or you do not have permission to ...
  10. The test configuration cannot be deleted because it is referenced in one or more test results. You can set the state of the ...
  11. The test configuration has been modified by another user or session. You must reload the test configuration and update it ...
  12. The test controller for test run {0} does not match the test environment being used. Make sure the test run uses the same ...
  13. The test controller has been associated with another Team Foundation Server. Click the remove button on the left to remove ...
  14. The test controller is currently running tests. You must wait until the tests are finished, and then you can add the test ...
  15. The test controller is currently unavailable. Ask your administrator to connect to the test controller machine, launch the ...
  16. The test controller is not available. Ask your administrator to connect to the test controller machine and check that it ...
  17. The test controller is not configured for this environment. Open the environment, click the Advanced tab, and specify the ...
  18. The Test dashboard provides an overview of the readiness of the test team and progress toward testing the product. For information ...
  19. The Test dashboard provides an overview of the readiness of the test team and progress toward testing the product. For information ...
  20. The Test Discovery Add-Ins installed through a VSIX installation are ignored. Use the /UseVsixExtensions parameter to include ...
  21. The test execution process crashed while running the tests. To investigate further, open {0} file in Visual Studio and choose ...
  22. The Test Executor Add-Ins installed through a VSIX installation are ignored. Use the /UseVsixExtensions parameter to include ...
  23. The test is configured to use ASP.NET, but the name specified in the AspNetDevelopmentServer attribute is invalid. The name ...
  24. The Test Logger Add-Ins installed through a VSIX installation are ignored. Use the /UseVsixExtensions parameter to include ...
  25. The test machine configuration does not match the configuration specified on the environment. Team Foundation Server is expecting ...
  26. The test method {0}.{1} has multiple attributes derived from ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute defined on it. Only one such ...
  27. The test or test run is configured to run in ASP.NET in IIS, but the current user ({0}) is not in the Administrators group. ...
  28. The test plan with id {0} does not exist or it's area path is not owned by the default project team. Include it in the default ...
  29. The test property type '{0}' of property '{1}' is not supported. Use one of the supported property type (primitive types, ...
  30. The test result share {0} is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator ...
  31. The test result you requested does not exist on {0}, probably because the result has not yet been published. If the test ...
  32. The test result, {0}, could not be upgraded for the following test run: {1}. This test result is missing from the following ...
  33. The test results you are attempting to view using a link cannot be found. The test results might have been deleted by another ...
  34. The Test Run '{0}' is in the process of being published. In order to properly link this Test Result with a Work Item, this ...
  35. The test run associated with this IntelliTrace log file no longer exists. You may have to enter the symbol path for this ...
  36. The test run associated with this IntelliTrace log file was not associated with a build from Team Build. You may have to ...
  37. The test run contains manual tests which cannot be run remotely. In order to continue with the run, manual tests will be ...
  38. The test run is a partial run, it was created from subset of results of the original run. The test run does not contain diagnostics ...
  39. The test run results could not be saved because the full path to the test results (.trx) file exceeds the maximum length ...
  40. The test run you are attempting to view using a link cannot be found. The test run might have been deleted by another user, ...
  41. The test settings file "{0}" already exists. Do you want to replace the existing file? Yes: replace it with a new test settings ...
  42. The test settings file you are using specifies a remote machine for running tests, for which Visual Studio Premium or Visual ...
  43. The test settings file you are using specifies to run tests with data collectors enabled. To use this feature, Visual Studio ...
  44. The test settings file {0}, specified in the MSTestAdapter settings, is not available. Either access to the file is denied ...
  45. The test settings have been configured to collect data and diagnostics for a diagnostic data adapter that has an empty assembly-qualified ...
  46. The test settings have been configured to collect data and diagnostics for an agent containing two diagnostic data adapters ...
  47. The test settings have been configured to collect data and diagnostics for two agents with the name '{0}'. Agent names must ...
  48. The test settings specify a remote machine for running tests, for which Visual Studio Premium or Visual Studio Ultimate is ...
  49. The test started running in response to request '{0}', but an error occurred before the test finished executing: {1}. {2} ...
  50. The test suite has the same name as another test suite that has the same parent. Each test suite that has the same parent ...
  51. The testing policy requires all check-in tests to pass because test impact information is unavailable. {0} test(s) have not ...
  52. The testing policy requires all check-in tests to pass. {0} test(s) have not yet passed and are not in the current solution. ...
  53. The testing policy requires all check-in tests to pass. {0} test(s) have not yet passed. Open this item to view and run tests. ...
  54. The testing policy requires all check-in tests to pass. {0} test(s) have not yet passed. Open this item to view the tests ...
  55. The testing policy requires all recommended check-in tests to pass. {0} test(s) have not yet passed. Open this item to view ...
  56. The text entered does not represent a well-formed XML comment. Click OK to edit the documentation text, or click Cancel to ...
  57. The text template that is used to generate code from each model element in the namespace. The template path can be absolute ...
  58. The texture coordinates of the current pixel, as determined by interpolating between the texture coordinate attributes of ...
  59. The thread tried to access a page that was not present, and the system was unable to load the page. For example, this exception ...
  60. The thread tried to read or write data that is misaligned on hardware that does not provide alignment. For example, 16-bit ...
  61. The thumbprint of the SSL certificate. You can follow the instructions on the following page to obtain an SSL certificate ...
  62. The time allowed for Windows services to start was increased from {0:N0} seconds to {1:N0} seconds. This affects all Windows ...
  63. The time in seconds, normalized to the range 0, 1) such that when time reaches 1, it resets to 0. You can use this as a parameter ...
  64. The time in seconds. You can use this as a parameter in shader calculations, for example, to animate texture coordinates, ...
  65. The time to collect and process performance counters ({0} ms) exceeded the length of the sampling interval. One or more sampling ...
  66. The time, in seconds, that Code Analysis should wait for analysis of a single item to complete before it aborts analysis. ...
  67. The timeout argument must receive an numeric value that is 0 (no timeout) or greater (minutes to wait). The value provided ...
  68. The token you have entered is not valid. The only valid characters in a comment token are alphanumeric characters, _, $, ...
  69. The tool '{0}' is already active in this editing context. You cannot activate the same instance of a task tool more than ...
  70. The tool AppCert.exe wasn't found. Either the Windows Software Development Kit is not installed properly or this version ...
  71. The ToolId property for a service definition cannot be the empty string. To represent the service definition not having a ...
  72. The tools and components listed below this node are provided to add additional functionality to your Team Foundation Server ...
  73. The total amount of tile_static memory (%d bytes) exceeds the limit of %d bytes when compiling the call graph for the concurrency::parallel_for_each ...
  74. The total elapsed time spent processing all instances of this ASP.NET request or executing commands against the database, ...
  75. The total number of transactions issued in a load test. Transactions refer to either transactions defined in a Web test, ...