SQL Server 2016

  1. An error occurred while connection managers were being copied. SSIS Designer could not serialize SSIS connection manager ...
  2. An error occurred while creating an encrypted connection to download credentials. Verify that the certificate store on the ...
  3. An error occurred while creating/modifying the storage file. File '%{filename/}' already exists. The new file version is ...
  4. An error occurred while data was being merged into the '%{partName/}' partition. Partitions that are to be merged must be ...
  5. An error occurred while data was being merged into the '%{partName/}' partition. Partitions that are to be merged must belong ...
  6. An error occurred while data was being merged into the '%{partName/}' partition. Partitions that are to be merged must use ...
  7. An error occurred while data was being merged into the '%{partName/}' partition. Source partitions must be different from ...
  8. An error occurred while data was being written to the query log. Although the table was created, query logging has stopped. ...
  9. An error occurred while decrypting %1!s! '%2!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The error was ignored because ...
  10. An error occurred while decrypting %1!s! '%2!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The FORCE option can be used to ...
  11. An error occurred while decrypting the password for linked login '%1!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The error ...
  12. An error occurred while decrypting the password for linked login '%1!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The FORCE ...
  13. An error occurred while deleting sent messages from the transmission queue, Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. Verify that no other ...
  14. An error occurred while dropping availability group '%1!s!' from Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and from ...
  15. An error occurred while executing the script. Verify that the script engine for the selected language is installed properly. ...
  16. An error occurred while extracting terms on row %1!ld!, column %2!ld!. The error code returned was 3!8.8X!. Please remove ...
  17. An error occurred while informing replication of the backup. The backup will continue, but the replication environment should ...
  18. An error occurred while loading the model for the item or data source '{0}'. Verify that the connection information is correct ...
  19. An error occurred while loading the Provider library to execute the ConsistencyCheck command on blob store . Reinstall the ...
  20. An error occurred while looking up terms on row %1!ld!, column %2!ld!. The error code returned was 3!8.8X!. Please remove ...
  21. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: No certificate was ...
  22. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate found ...
  23. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate found ...
  24. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate found ...
  25. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate has ...
  26. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate is ...
  27. An error occurred while named instance information was being retrieved from the SQLBrowser service on the '%{server/}' server. ...
  28. An error occurred while objects were being copied. SSIS Designer could not serialize design time properties of selected objects. ...
  29. An error occurred while objects were being copied. SSIS Designer could not serialize the layout information of the selected ...
  30. An error occurred while objects were being copied. SSIS Designer could not wrap the serialized SSIS Runtime objects into ...
  31. An error occurred while objects were being copied. SSIS Designer was unable to get the selection of objects to copy to the ...
  32. An error occurred while obtaining the Accepted SPNs list for Extended Protection. Check Network Configuration settings in ...
  33. An error occurred while obtaining the dedicated administrator connection (DAC) port. Make sure that SQL Browser is running, ...
  34. An error occurred while obtaining the Extended Protection setting. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration ...
  35. An error occurred while parsing the '%{strQName/}' element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} ('%{strNSURI/}' namespace) ...
  36. An error occurred while partitions were being merged. The '%{partName/}' partition uses a storage mode that is not valid. ...
  37. An error occurred while preparing the query "%1!s!" for execution against OLE DB provider "%2!s!" for linked server "%3!s!". ...
  38. An error occurred while processing '%1!s!' metadata for database id %2!s!, file id %3!s!, and transaction='%4!s!'. Additional ...
  39. An error occurred while processing a message in the Service Broker and Database Mirroring transport: error %1!s!, state %2!s!. ...
  40. An error occurred while processing the %1!ld!th reference term. The error code returned was 2!8.8X!. Please remove the reference ...
  41. An error occurred while processing the '%{PartitionName/}' partition of the '%{Detail/}' measure group for the '%{Cube/}' ...
  42. An error occurred while processing the indexes for the %{Partition/} partition of the %{Detail/} measure group of the %{Cube/} ...
  43. An error occurred while processing the log for database '%1!s!'. If possible, restore from backup. If a backup is not available, ...
  44. An error occurred while processing the log for database '%1!s!'. The log block version %2!s! is unsupported. This server ...
  45. An error occurred while reading the .bcp data file for the '%1' article. If the .bcp file is corrupt, you must regenerate ...
  46. An error occurred while reading the resource governor configuration from master database. Check the integrity of master database ...
  47. An error occurred while recovering database '%1!s!'. Unable to connect to Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS ...
  48. An error occurred while removing availability group '%1!s!'. The DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command removed the availability ...
  49. An error occurred while removing the local availability replica from availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered ...
  50. An error occurred while removing this managed instance from the SQL Server Utility. Would you like to force the removal of ...
  51. An error occurred while restoring the '%{Database/}' database: backup file was created on a server with different value for ...
  52. An error occurred while retrieving the version of database '{0}' on server '{1}'. Ensure this is a valid reporting services ...
  53. An error occurred while setting up a binding for the "%1!s!" column. The binding status was "%2!s!". The data flow column ...
  54. An error occurred while synchronizing the '%{Database/}' database: Source and destination instances should have the same ...
  55. An error occurred while the '%{dimension/}' data mining dimension with the '%{miningmodel/}' source mining model was being ...
  56. An error occurred while the '%{Property/}' attribute of the '%{Dimension/}' dimension from the '%{Database/}' database was ...
  57. An error occurred while the Merge Agent was reading a .bcp snapshot data file. This can occur when there is insufficient ...
  58. An error occurred while the query log table was being created. Check the query log connection string, permissions, or the ...
  59. An error occurred while trying to determine the state of the RPCSS service. A call to "%1!s!" returned: %2!s!. This is an ...
  60. An error occurred while trying to instantiate the script host for the chosen language. Verify that the script language you ...
  61. An error occurred while trying to perform a service operation on service %1!s! on machine %2!s!. Error returned: %3!s! - ...
  62. An error occurred while trying to set the initial Backup LSN of database '%1!s!'. Primary database is temporarily offline ...
  63. An error occurred while using the .NET Framework during %1!s!. The server may be running out of resources. Try running the ...
  64. An error occurred while verifying the result set schema against the output table schema. The data collector cannot connect ...
  65. An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica for availability group '%1!s!' to complet post-online ...
  66. An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' to transition to the primary ...
  67. An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' to transition to the resolving ...
  68. An error occurred while waiting on the log reader history cache event. This error is reported by the internal task scheduling ...
  69. An error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered ...
  70. An error occurred while writing an audit trace. SQL Server is shutting down. Check and correct error conditions such as insufficient ...
  71. An error occurred while writing installation information to disk. Check to make sure enough disk space is available, and ...
  72. An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition ...
  73. An error or conflict occurred while committing multiple changes at the Subscriber. The Merge Agent is retrying the failed ...
  74. An error was encountered during object serialization operation. Examine the state to find out more details about this error. ...
  75. An error was encountered during the evaluation of the row level security expression defined on table '%s'. Error message: ...