SQL Server 2016

  1. /Cons[oleLog DispOpts];[{E | I};List DispOpts = any one or more of N, C, O, S, G, X, M, or T. List = {EventName | SrcName ...
  2. /install | /repair | /uninstall | /layout - installs, repairs, uninstalls or creates a complete local copy of the bundle ...
  3. A %1!s! value was specified more than one time in the range list for an ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET PROCESS AFFINITY statement. ...
  4. A 'Target' named '{1}' was found in the project file '{0}'. The tasks within this target could contain arbitrary code and ...
  5. A 'UsingTask' tag which registers the '{1}' task was found in the project file '{0}'. 'UsingTask' tags in the project file ...
  6. A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate '%1!s!': %2!s!. User transaction, if ...
  7. A BACKUP or RESTORE DATABASE statement that includes the primary filegroup must include the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup, ...
  8. A bar chart displays data horizontally. It is popular for categorical information, because the categories can be displayed ...
  9. A binding has been created. Take database '%1!s!' offline and then bring it back online to begin using resource pool '%2!s!'. ...
  10. A blob store for storing a new blob could not be determined. This is because the blob store was not specified and no defaults ...
  11. A boolean that indicates whether the client application should provide a drillthrough link to the containing entity for this ...
  12. A bounded update was logged within the range of another bounded update within the same transaction. First BEGIN_UPDATE {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}, ...
  13. A cached plan was compiled using trace flags that are incompatible with the current values. Consider recompiling the query ...
  14. A calculation condition can optionally be used to further restrict the subcube by testing each cell with a logical MDX expression. ...
  15. A calculation subcube defines the subset of cube data that is computed using the calculation formula. For each dimension, ...
  16. A call to the ProcessInput method for input %1!d! on %2!s! unexpectedly kept a reference to the buffer it was passed. The ...
  17. A case that is not valid has been passed to the GetLag() function that is used with the '%{modelname/}' mining model. A time ...
  18. A change has occurred to the report manager identity. Reset the identity using the reporting services configuration tool. ...
  19. A change has occurred to the report server web service identity. Reset the identity using the reporting services configuration ...
  20. A change has occurred to the report server Windows service identity. Reset the identity using the reporting services configuration ...
  21. A change in security context was detected. Only the user that created the SqlRemoteBlobContext object can perform blob operations. ...
  22. A character could not be read from the file stream using the provided code page. The reason for this could be that a column ...
  23. A chart column in the chart {1}' has the name {3}'. Chart column names must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to {4} ...
  24. A circular relationship path has been detected while enforcing a referential integrity constraints. Referential integrity ...
  25. A client has disconnected from the Report Server Web service application domain {0}. No corrective action is required. An ...
  26. A cluster named, {0}, already exists. If you use this name, a new cluster will be created with the same name but a different ...
  27. A clustered instance of SQL Server could not be found to upgrade. Possible reasons are that the wrong instance name was specified, ...
  28. A collection of expressions. The evaluation result of each expression is assigned to a property and replaces the value of ...
  29. A collection set cannot start if the management data warehouse is not configured. Run the instmdw.sql script to create and ...
  30. A column chart displays a series as a set of vertical bars grouped by category. Column charts are useful for illustrating ...
  31. A column insert or update conflicts with a federation member range. The statement was terminated. The conflict occurred in ...
  32. A column insert or update conflicts with a rule imposed by a previous CREATE RULE statement. The statement was terminated. ...
  33. A column named '%{ColumnName/}' already exists in the calculated table named '%{CalculatedTableName/}' and the source of ...
  34. A column that uses a sequence object in the default constraint must be present in the target columns list, if the same sequence ...
  35. A column to group by or a call to ROLLUP function and ISSUBTOTALCOLUMNS function to specify a list of columns to group by ...
  36. A column used in filter clause '%1!s!' either does not exist in the table '%2!s!' or cannot be excluded from the current ...
  37. A command line argument was expected but not found. All command line arguments will be ignored. Please run 'profiler.exe ...
  38. A command to refresh a table '%{name/}' has failed because the command did not specify the correct number of columns in the ...
  39. A communication error occurred within the Reporting Services endpoint on this SharePoint site. If the error persists, contact ...
  40. A complete consistency check could not be performed. A previously started garbage collection (Reference Scan) operation is ...
  41. A config item cannot be changed after it is constructed initially. An attempt was made to change the config item with key ...
  42. A configuration item with key is in the configuration item list. This configuration key cannot be used in this operation. ...
  43. A configuration item with key is not in the configuration item list. This configuration key is required for this operation. ...
  44. A configuration operation could not be performed on key because this key does not exist in the current collection. Check ...
  45. A conflict of type '%1!s!' was detected at peer %2!s! between peer %3!s! (incoming), transaction id %4!s! and peer %5!s! ...
  46. A conflicting ABORT_AFTER_WAIT = BLOCKERS request is waiting for existing transactions to rollback. This request cannot be ...
  47. A connection cannot be reestablished because the connection properties were either lost when the connection was terminated ...
  48. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of '%{datasourceid/}', Name of '%{datasourcename/}'. ...
  49. A connection failed while the operation was still in progress, and the outcome of the operation is unknown. Query sys.dm_operation_status ...
  50. A connection for availability group '%1!s!' from availability replica '%2!s!' with id %3!s! to '%4!s!' with id %5!s! has ...
  51. A connection manager was automatically assigned to this data source. To assign a different connection manager, use the Advanced ...
  52. A connection time-out had occurred while connecting to the FTP site '%1'. This may be due to the fact that Internet Explorer ...
  53. A connection timeout has occurred on a previously established connection to availability replica '%1!s!' with id %2!s!]. ...
  54. A connection timeout has occurred while attempting to establish a connection to availability replica '%1!s!' with id %2!s!]. ...
  55. A connection to Analysis Services is required to perform the {0} task. {1}Click the 'No Connection' button on the Data Mining ...
  56. A connection to Analysis Services is required to perform this task. Click the 'No Connection' button on the Analyze ribbon ...
  57. A connection to the report server database cannot be established. Verify that the SQL Server database is accessible on the ...
  58. A connection to the report server database cannot be established. Verify that the SQL Server database is accessible on the ...
  59. A constant folding error caused the creation or alteration of the %1!s! to fail. Common causes for this error are arithmetic ...
  60. A CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate can only operate on one table or indexed view. Qualify the use of with a table or indexed ...
  61. A conversation priority already exists in the database with either the name '%1!s!' or the properties %2!s!='%3!s!', %4!s!='%5!s!', ...
  62. A corrupted message has been received. A required variable data field is not present: %1!s!. This occurred in the message ...
  63. A corrupted message has been received. A sequence number is larger than allowed. This occurred in the message with Conversation ...
  64. A corrupted message has been received. A string variable data field is not a valid UNICODE string: %1!s!. This occurred in ...
  65. A corrupted message has been received. A UNICODE string is greater than the maximum allowed size of %1!s! bytes. This occurred ...
  66. A corrupted message has been received. A UNICODE string is not two byte aligned within the message. This occurred in the ...
  67. A corrupted message has been received. An unsequenced message had a non-zero sequence number. This occurred in the message ...
  68. A corrupted message has been received. It contains invalid flags. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%1!s!', ...
  69. A corrupted message has been received. It is not encrypted and signed using the currently configured endpoint algorithm. ...
  70. A corrupted message has been received. The binary header size of %1!s! is expected, however the header size received was ...
  71. A corrupted message has been received. The certificate issuer name size is %1!s!, however it must be no greater than %2!s! ...
  72. A corrupted message has been received. The certificate serial number size is %1!s!, however it must be no greater than %2!s! ...
  73. A corrupted message has been received. The conversation ID must not be NULL. This occurred in the message with Conversation ...
  74. A corrupted message has been received. The destination certificate issuer name size is %1!s!, however it must be no greater ...
  75. A corrupted message has been received. The destination certificate serial number is missing. This occurred in the message ...